Xianbin Wang

Professor and Tier-1 Canada Research Chair at Western University/Fellow at The Engineering Institute of Canada



Dr. Xianbin Wang is a Full Professor and Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in 5G and Wireless IoT Communications at Western University, Canada. He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from National University of Singapore in 2001. Prior to joining Western, he was with Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) as a Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist between July 2002 and Dec. 2007. From Jan. 2001 to July 2002, he was a system designer at STMicroelectronics.

Professor Wang’s current research interests are focused on 5G and beyond/6G, intelligent wireless communications, wireless security, machine-learning, and Internet-of-Things. The research activities of his research group have been supported by government, industry and international funding agencies and sponsors, leading to over 50 projects. The research projects led by him involve a high level of innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, prototyping and application of research findings in vertical industries. He has also successfully implemented an NSERC CREATE program in Communications Security, Privacy and Cyberethics (2013-19) as the Director and Principal Investigator.

The research activities of Professor Wang have led to more than 400 highly cited publications and over 30 patents. His ground-breaking research, innovation and technical contributions, further bolstered by his tireless efforts in technology transfer and research training, have directly improved the operational outcome of interconnected consumer, industry and defence systems and further accelerated the transformation of our industry and society.

Professor Wang has received a number of prestigious domestic and international awards and recognitions, including being named a Canada Research Chair, six IEEE Best Paper Awards, the President’s Excellence Award and Technology Transfer Award from Communications Research Centre Canada, an Early Researcher Award from the Government of Ontario and the Public Service Award from the Canadian Federal Government.

Professor Wang is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada, and a Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He served as an Editor-in-Chief, Associate-Editor-in-Chief, Editor/Associate Editor/Guest Editor for over ten journals, including IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Dr. Wang was involved in numerous IEEE conferences including ICC, GLOBECOM, WCNC, VTC, CCECE and PIMRC, on different roles such as technical program co-chair, symposium chair, track chair, tutorial instructor TPC and session chair. Dr. Wang has been nominated as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer several times during the last ten years.

Awards & Distinctions

  • Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, 2018
  • Fellow of IEEE, 2017
  • Tier-I Canada Research Chair in 5G and Wireless IoT Communications, 2018
  • Tier-II Canada Research Chair in Wireless Security, 2013
  • Tier-II Canada Research Chair in Wireless Communications, 2007.
  • Distinguished Lecturer, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), August 2009 to Dec. 2013.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), “Physical Layer Authentication in OFDM Systems Based on Hypothesis Testing of CFO Esti-mates”, June, 2012.
  • Canadian Federal Government Public Service Award, June 2006.
  • Canadian Who’s Who, 2009-2010 editions.
  • Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
  • CRC (Communications Research Centre Canada), President Excellence Award, July, 2007.
  • Canadian Federal Government Public Service Award, June 2006.
  • IEEE Scott Helt Memorial Best Paper Award, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, "Transmitter Identification using Embedded Pseudo Random Sequences", Oct. 2005.
  • IEEE Matti S. Siukola Memorial Best Paper Award, IEEE 52nd Annual Broadcast Symposium, "A VSB DTV Receiver Designed for Indoor and Distributed Transmission Environments", Oct. 2004.
  • Invention Incentive Award, STMicroelectronics, Feb. 2002.

Professional Activities

  • Editor/Associate Editor for:
    • IEEE Transactions on Communications
    • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    • IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
    • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    • IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
  • Adjunct Professor, Laval University, Nov. 2004 - present
  • Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia broadcasting, March 2007)
  • Fellow of IEEE
    • Membership of IEEE Broadcasting Society
    • Membership of IEEE Communications Society
    • Membership of IEEE Signal Processing Society
    • Membership of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
    • Member of Canadian Society of Information Theory
  • Technical Program Chair/Co-chair
    • Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, 2017
    • Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, 2015
    • International Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing, Feb, 2009, Australia


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