William Roberts

at Harvard Medical School


  • Harvard Medical School



Harvard Medical School

William Roberts, MD, MS, is a Professor and Director of Faculty Affairs in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. He serves as faculty in the University of Minnesota St. John’s Hospital Family Medicine Residency and the University of Minnesota Program in Sports Medicine. He is also part of the Medical School Master Mentor Program.

Dr. Roberts is a Fellow, Past President, and Past Foundation President of the American College of Sports Medicine; a charter member of the American Medical Society of Sports Medicine; a founding member and Past President of the International Institute of Race Medicine; Editor in Chief Emeritus for Current Sports Medicine Reports; an Editorial Board Member of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, British Journal of Sports Medicine, and Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine; the Medical Director for Twin Cities in Motion and the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon; the Chair of the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee for the Minnesota State High School League; and a member of the USA Soccer Cup Tournament Sports Medicine Advisory Committee.

His research is in ice hockey and marathon-related illness and injury. He has authored many research and educational publications in sports medicine, and has presented nationally and internationally on sports medicine topics.

Research Summary/Interests

Sports medicine; ice hockey injuries; marathon-related illness and injury


Note: Ten recent publications are listed.

Schwellnus M, Kipps C, Roberts WO, et al. Medical encounters at mass community-based endurance sport events: An international consensus statement on definitions and methodology of recording and reporting data. Brit J Sports Med (Accepted for publication February 9, 2019)

Roberts WO. An Indelible Stain: The Conspiracy of Silence. Curr Spts Med Rep (Published online ahead of print February 22 2019).

Krabek BJ, Tenforde A, Davis IS, Hemecourt P, Frederickson M, Harrast MA, Luke A, Roberts WO. Youth Distance Running: Strategies for training and injury reduction. Curr SportsMed Rep 2019; 18(2): 53-59.

Harmon KG, Clugston JR, Dec K, Hainline B, Herring SA, Kane S, Kontos AP, Leddy JJ, McCrea MA, Poddar SK, Putukian M, Wilson JC, Roberts WO. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine: 2019 Position Statement on Concussion in Sport. Brit J Sport Med 2019; 53: 213-225. (Co-published in Clin J Sport Med 2019; 29: 87-100 and J Sports Med)

Smith AM, Farrell KJ, Roberts WO, Moris MR, Stuart MJ. Eliminating Fighting and Head Hits from Hockey: Opportunities and Barriers. Curr Sprts Med Rep 18(1): 35-40, 2019.

Smith AM, Alford PA, Aubry M, Benson B, Black A...Roberts WO, et al. Proceedings from the Ice Hockey Summit III: Action on Concussion. Curr Sprts Med Rep 18(1): 23–34, 2019.

Pryor JL, Johnson E, Roberts WO, Pryor R. Application of evidence-based recommendations for heat acclimation: Individual and team sport perspectives. Temperature (Published online October 13 2018) DOI 10.1080/23328940.2018.1516537

Honsvall AM, Lane KR, Roberts WO. A Marathon Runner with Vertigo after the Race. Curr Sports Med Rep 2018; 17(11): 362-362.

Roberts WO. Running Causes Knee Osteoarthritis: Myth or Misunderstanding. Brit J Sports Med. Br J Sports Med 2018;52:142. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-098227

Roberts WO, Schwartz RS, Garberich RF, Carlson S, Knickelbine T, Schwartz JG, Peichel G, Lesser JR, Wickstrom K, Harris KH. Fifty Men, 3510 Marathons, Cardiac Risk Factors, and Coronary Artery Calcium Scores. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2017; 49(12): 2369-2373. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001373


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