Wang Hong

CEIBS President, Professor of Management (Tier-2), Recipient of the Special Government Allowance of the State Council at CEIBS






Dr. Wang Hong received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and pursued post-doctoral studies in Applied Economics at Fudan University. She is a recipient of the Special Government Allowance of the State Council and has been awarded numerous honours, including Shanghai Leading Talent and Shanghai Excellent Academic Leader. She has served as President of CEIBS and a Professor of Management at CEIBS since September 2020.

From 2013 to 2020, Dr. Wang served as Party Secretary of Baoshan District People’s Government in Shanghai. From 2011 to 2012, she held positions as the Deputy Party Secretary & Chief Executive of the Baoshan District People’s Government. Prior to her career as a government official, she served first as Vice President and then as President of Shanghai University of Engineering Science from 1996 to 2012, during which time she served as Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Workers’ Union. During this period, she also served as an adjunct professor and supervisor for Ph.D. students at Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Shanghai University. Dr. Wang served as a representative during the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a member of the 10th, 11th, 12th and 14th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congresses. She has also received funding as part of the Ministry of Education’s New Century Excellent Talents Programme and Dawn Plan.

Dr. Wang has served as Deputy Director of the Supervision Committee for the Teaching of Business Administration in Higher Education Institutions at the Ministry of Education for many years, and has accumulated a lot of experience in the field of management education. She has also served as Deputy Director of the Supervision Committee for the Teaching of Management Science and Engineering in Higher Education Institutions at the Ministry of Education, Chairman of the Shanghai Society of Management Science and Director of the Shanghai International Cruise Business Institute and has acted as a key member of the China Ageing Finance Forums. In addition, Dr. Wang has served as Deputy or Executive Director or Vice President of numerous other organisations, including the China Higher Education Quality Control and Assessment Committee, China Industry-University-Research Association, China Convention Economy Research Association, Shanghai Systematic Engineering Academic Committee, Shanghai Management Science Association, Shanghai Entrepreneur Association and Shanghai Industrial Management Association.

Dr. Wang has earned a strong reputation for excellence in teaching, research and management. Her work includes 10 major research projects funded by the National Social Science Fund of China, the Ministry of Education Programme for Philosophy and Social Science, as well as the National Development Programme for Soft Science. She has chaired over 50 research projects funded by the MoE and various ministries and provincial governments and has published over 100 papers and books, including 20 award-winning books exploring frontier research in business management. Her research has garnered her dozens of awards, such as second prize for the National Teaching Award, the grand prize of the Municipal Teaching Award, first prize for the Shanghai Educational Scientific Research Achievements, the Shanghai Municipal Government Decision-Making Consultation Award, and the Excellence Award for Major Research in Philosophy and Social Science. In addition, Dr. Wang received the Major Contribution Award for Cruise Industry Development issued by Seatrade during its 31st London Award Ceremony for her outstanding contributions in promoting and developing the cruise economy in China. To date, Dr. Wang is the only recipient of the honour from the Asia-Pacific region.

During her tenure in Baoshan District, Dr. Wang devoted considerable effort to repositioning and restructuring the local economy from a global perspective, converting old piers, warehouses and plants into 68 industrial parks and 48 museums and galleries. As a result, Baoshan has taken on a new look and has attracted large-scale investment from major industries, including the cruise industry, robotics and smart manufacturing, new materials, construction technology and platform economy, as well as artificial intelligence, general health, bio-medicine, culture and creativity, energy conservation and modern logistics.

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