Tim Landvoigt

Assistant Professor of Finance at The Wharton School


  • The Wharton School



The Wharton School


  • Assistant Professor of Finance
  • Assistant Professor of Economics (by courtesy)
  • The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Stanford University, 2013
  • Diplom in Economics, University of Mannheim, 2007
  • Diplom in Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences (FHDW), 2002


"Can the Covid Bailouts Save the Economy?," with Vadim Elenev and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, accepted at Economic Policy (SSRN)

"Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the Modern Banking System," with Juliane Begenau , 2016 WFA Award for Best Paper on Financial Institutions, forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies (SSRN)

"Mortgage Refinancing, Consumer Spending, and Competition: Evidence from the Home Affordable Refinancing Program," with Sumit Agarwal, Gene Amromin, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru and Vincent W. Yao, forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies (SSRN)

"A Macroeconomic Model with Financially Constrained Producers and Intermediaries," with Vadim Elenev and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Econometrica, 2021,89: 1361-1418 (SSRN)

"Financial Fragility with SAM?," with Daniel Greenwald and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Journal of Finance, 2021, 76: 651-706 (SSRN)

“Housing Demand during the Boom: The Role of Expectations and Credit Constraints,” Review of Financial Studies, 30(6), 2017, 1865-1902, (working paper pdf)

"Phasing out the GSEs," with Vadim Elenev and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 81, 2016, pp. 111-132, (SSRN)

"The Housing Market(s) of San Diego," with Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider, American Economic Review, Volume 105(4), 2015, pp. 1371-1407, (working paper pdf)

"Housing assignment with restrictions: theory and evidence from Stanford campus," with Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider, American Economic Review P&P, Volume 104(5), 2014, pp. 67-72, (working paper pdf)

Older Working Papers

"Financial Intermediation, Credit Risk, and Credit Supply during the Housing Boom" (SSRN)

"Financial Industry Dynamics," with Richard Lowery (SSRN)


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