Taoufik Bouraoui

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business


  • Rennes School of Business



Rennes School of Business


  • Empirical Methods in Finance
  • Microeconomics IBPM2
  • Microeconomics PGE2
  • Introduction to Financial Mathematics
  • Exchange Markets
  • Opérations financières
  • Inferential statistics
  • Financial analysis
  • Descriptive statictics
  • Accounting-finance
  • International financ
  • Microeconomics
  • Statistics
  • Corporate Finance

Academic Background

  • Ph.D in economics, Paris Ouest Nanterre, La Défense University (2009)
  • Master in Money, Banking and Finance, Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University
  • Master in Financial institution Management, High Business School, Tunis

Work Experience

  • Head of the Academic Area Finance & Accounting at Rennes School of Business, (February 2019 – April 2022)
  • Associate professor, Finance & Accounting Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (September, 2017 – Present)
  • Assistant professor, Finance & Accounting Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (April, 2010 – August, 2017)
  • Lecturer, University of Paris West Nanterre La Défense, Paris, France (September, 2005 – August, 2010)

Research interests

  • Financial Markets
  • Islamic Finance
  • Econometrics applied on Finance
  • Risk Management


Academic Conference: Discussant

  • 7th Econometric Day: Recent Development of Econometry Applied on Finance, Paris, 26 November (2008)
  • 25th Symposium on Banking, Money and Finance, Luxembourg, June 18-20 (2008)

Chair: Conference / Track / Programme

  • Msc. International Finance, Rennes, France (2011)
  • Track Finance & Banking, Rennes, France (2011)

Editor: Associate Editor

  • Global Economy and Finance Journal (2015)
  • Reviewer: Ad Hoc Reviewer for a Journal
  • Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis (2012)
  • Accounting and Finance Research (2012)
  • International Journal of Financial Research (2011)
  • International Journal of Economics and Finance (2010)
  • Emerging Markets review (2010)
  • Applied Financial Economics (2010)
  • Applied Economics (2009)
  • International Journal of Economics and Finance (2009)

Reviewer: Conference Paper

  • Economics, Banking and Finance Conference April 13-15, Paris, France (2015)
  • The International Conference “Euro and the European banking system: evolutions and challenges”, University of IASI, Romania, 4-6 June. (2014)
  • Monetary, banking and financial issues in central and Eastern EU member countries: How can central and eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? (2014)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Mousa, S., & Bouraoui, T., 2023, The Role of Sustainability and Innovation in Financial Services Business Transformation, Theoretical Economics Letters, Volume 13, issue 1, pp 84-108
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik , Jia LI, and Magdalena Radulescu, On the drivers of sustainable development: empirical evidence from developed and emerging markets., Applied Economics https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2023.2166660
  • Aziz, S., Jalan, A., Matkovskyy, R. and Bouraoui, T., 2021, Does Shariah compliance affect investor behaviour in the COVID-19 times: Evidence from herding in the global energy market., Applied Economics https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2021.1999384
  • Matkovskyy, R., Jalan, A., Dowling, M., and Bouraoui, T., 2021, From bottom ten to top ten: the role of cryptocurrencies in enhancing portfolio return of poorly performing stocks, Finance Research Letters, Volume 38, January 2021, 101405
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2020, The drivers of Bitcoin trading volume in selected emerging countries, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 76 (2020) pp. 218-229
  • Bouraoui, T, 2019, The drivers of Bitcoin trading volume in selected emerging countries, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.qref.2019.07.003
  • Matkovskyy, R., Jalan, A., Dowling, M., Bouraoui, T, 2019, From bottom ten to top ten: the role of cryptocurrencies in enhancing portfolio return of poorly performing stocks, Finance Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2019.101405
  • Hammami, H., Al-omiri, M., Bouraoui, T., Ousama, A.A., 2019, Target costing: adoption and its relationships with competition intensity, intended strategy and firm size, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Vol.14, Issue 3, pp 219-245
  • Bouraoui, T., 2019, External debts, current account balance and exchange rates in emerging countries, Economics Bulletin, Vol 39, Issue 4, pp.2333-2342
  • Saad, G., Bouraoui, T., 2019, Currency returns during democratic transition: Evidence from Tunisia, Managerial Finance, Vol. 45 No. 7, 2019, pp. 966-979
  • Matkovskyy, R., Bouraoui, T., 2019, Application of neural networks to short time series composite indexes: evidence from the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) model, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 17, Issue 2, June 2019, pp. 433-446
  • Bouraoui, T and Hammami H, 2017, Does political instability affect exchange rates in Arab Spring countries?, Applied Economics, Vol. 49, N° 55, pp. 5627-5637
  • Matkovskyy, R , Bouraoui, T, and Hammami, H, 2016, Analysing the financial strength of Tunisia: An approach to estimate an Index of Financial Safety., Research in International Business and Finance 38. 485–493
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2015, Does Pump and Dump affect stock markets., International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2015
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik and Raja Hmili, 2015, Early warning indicators of banking crisis in Asian countries, Expert Journal of Finance Volume 3 (1), pp.1 -8 , 2015
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik and Archavin PHISUTHTIWATCHARAVONG, 2015, On the determinants of the THB/USD exchange rate, Procedia Economics and Finance 30 ( 2015 ) 137 – 145
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2015, The Effect of reducing quantitative easing on emerging markets, Applied Economics, Vol. 47, N° 15, 1562-1573
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2014, The Impact Of Adjustment In Capital Structure In Mergers & Acquisitions On Us Acquirers’ Business Performance, Journal of Applied Business Research
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2013, Stock spams: Another kind of stock prices manipulation, Journal of Applied Business Research 29
  • Derbel, Hatem, Taoufik Bouraoui, and Neila Dammak, Can Islamic Finance Constitute a Solution to Crisis?, International Journal of Economics and Finance 3, Applied Financial Economics 21. (2011): 969-977
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2010, The impact of stock spams on volatility, Brussel Economic Review 50. (2010): 411-425
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2010, L’impact des spams boursiers sur les volumes-The impact of stock spam on volumes’, Brussel Economic Review 50.
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2010, Spam between Law and Reality., Review of European Studies 2
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2009, Stock spams: An empirical study on penny stock market, International Review of Business Research Papers 5.

Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2019, The drivers of local bitcoin trading volume, International Academic Conference on Business & Economics, Management and Finance (WEI-BEMF 2019), Vienna, Austria, April 2019
  • Bouraoui, T and HMILI, R, 2016, Do early warning signals predict financial crises? Evidence from Asian countries, 93rd International Conference on Economics and Finance Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik and Archavin PHISUTHTIWATCHARAVONG, 2015, On the determinants of the THB/USD exchange rate, 3rd Economics and Finance Conference
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2015, Does Pump and Dump affect stock markets, 4th International Conference on Economics, Marketing and Management
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2014, The impact of capital structure on firm value, International Conference on Innovation in Economics and Business
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2014, Does Capital Struture affect firm value: Evidence from Chinese publicly listed companies, Business & Economics Society International Conference
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2013, How do spams escape the law, Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2013, How do spams escape the law, International Conference on Economics and Finance Research,
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2011, Les spams boursiers : étude empirique sur le marché des penny stocks, 51ème Congrès Annuel de la société canadienne de science économique
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2011, The spamming activity in France., 14th International Business Research Conference, April 28-30 2011, Dubai (2011)
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2011, Spam between law and reality, Global Conference on Business and Finance (2011)
  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2010, The impact of spams on volatility., 8th workshop on money, banking & financial markets, Halle (Germany) 3-4 June 2010 (2010)

Non-Refereed Articles Discovery Scholarship

  • Bouraoui, Taoufik, 2015, The effect of reducing quantitative easing on emerging markets, Applied Economics 47

Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals Book

  • Bouraoui, T, v2011, Les spams boursiers: Une escroquerie financière qui altère le fonctionnement des marches financiers, Editions Universitaires Européennes
  • Bouraoui, T, 2011, La gestion du risque de change: de l’identification à la couverture, Editions Universitaires Européennes


  • Bouraoui, T, 2015, Best paper award in International Conference on Economics, Marketing and Management, Doha, Qatar.
  • Bouraoui, T, 2012, Best presenter award in Global Management, Finance & Information Technology Research Conference, New York (USA), Finance & Information Technology Research Conference, New York (USA)
  • Bouraoui, T, 2010, Best paper award in Global Conference on Business and Finance, Business and Finance


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