Tami Reiss

Guest Lecturer, Program Leader, and Curriculum Developer - Product Strategy and PM Bootcamp at Kellogg School of Management


Kellogg School of Management

Tami Reiss guides product leaders towards the success they deserve. She is an established product leader coach with 15+ years of experience empowering product leaders and teams to advance towards their goals by focusing on their strengths. She has held many product roles within B2B SaaS organizations and consulted with companies such as the Insight Partners portfolio, Humana, Aetna, JPMorgan, TheKnotWW, Cornerstone on Demand, GTreasury among dozens of others which adds to her ability to understand various industries. Her primary focus is on coaching product executives through treating themselves as a product.

On the side, Tami designs curriculum and teaches various levels of product managers and is writing a children's book called "What do Product Managers Do?". She is the guest instructor for Agile module in Kellogg’s online Product Management Bootcamp as well as Technical Fundamentals for Product Institute where she promotes that every organization has to find their own flavor of methodologies and practices to implement.


  • University of California, Los Angeles - BS, Physiology 2000 - 2004
  • University of Florida - Warrington College of Business - MSM, Management 2004 - 2005
  • Hillel Community Day School 1985 - 2000


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