Sumitro Banerjee

Associate Professor of Marketing at Grenoble Ecole de Management


  • Grenoble Ecole de Management




Grenoble Ecole de Management

Sumitro Banerjee is Associate Professor of Marketing at Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM). He teaches courses in strategic and international marketing, brand management, and product development. Before joining GEM, he was Associate Professor and the Ferrero Chair in International Marketing at ESMT (Berlin, Germany) and before that Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University in New York. He has over 14 years teaching experience in the MBA, EMBA, MSc as well as undergraduate programs. He has directed and taught in executive education programs with participants from several Fortune 500 companies. He has also been a consultant to several companies.

He applies microeconomics and game theory to marketing phenomena such as product development, diffusion, entry strategies and sales incentives. He is particularly interested in timing of launch, R&D and CSR investments, and strategies for successive new products. His research has appeared in Quantitative Marketing and Economics and International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Production and Operations Management. He is a member of the Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Research in Marketing and has been an ad hoc reviewer for Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Production and Operations Management.

Areas of expertise

  • New Product Development
  • Sales Force
  • High Tech
  • Innovation
  • Marketing and Economics

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