Rumina Dhalla

Associate Professor. Organizational Studies/Sustainable Organizations. Department of Business,


Dr. Rumina Dhalla is an Associate Professor, Organizational Studies and Sustainable Commerce area in the Department of Management, College of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph. She is also the Project Lead for the Guelph East Africa Initiative. Her main research interests are in organizational identity and reputation and their influence and implications for organizational strategies, sustainability and CSR. She teaches sustainable value creation and corporate responsibility in the graduate and undergraduate programs. She is the recipient of major grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada.

Her research and scholarly contributions have been published in high ranked journals such as Organization Studies and Corporate Reputation Review and she has presented at a variety of conferences. She has also won the Recognition of the Contribution of Teaching Award in 2011. She has accumulated over 20 years of industry experience, much of which has been in the Canadian banking.

Rumina has also taught Organizational Behaviour in the MBA program at Schulich School of Business, York University for the past four years and has co-taught in the Schulich Non-Profit Leadership and Management Program.


Dhalla, R. and Oliver, C. (2013I) Industry Identity as a Cognitive Oligopoly: An Institutional Perspective, Organization Studies, 34(12), 1803-1834 DOI:10.1177/0170840613483809

Dhalla, R. and Carayannapoulous, S. (2013). Reputational discounting: Factors reducing the influence of organizational reputation., Corporate Reputation Review,16, 150-167

Dhalla, R. and van Duren E. (2012). Organizational Responses in Fragile States: Role of Corporate Social Responsibility, World Journal of Social Sciences, 7(2), 115-131

van Duren. E. and Dhalla R. (2012) Business Strategy and CSR in Fragile States: The Case of WesternZagros’ Kurdistan Venture, World Journal of Social Sciences, 7(2), 279-290

Dhalla, R. (2011). Incongruence Between Organisational Identity, Image and Reputation: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility, International Journal of Business, 4(4), pp. 330-352

Dhalla, R. (2007). The construction of organizational identity: Key contributing external and intra-organizational factors, Corporate Reputation Review, 10(4), pp. 245-260

Holzinger, I. and Dhalla, R. (2007). Multiple identities in organizations: The effects of diversity on organizational identity. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 7(5), pp. 43-50


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