Rui Albuquerque
associate professor - finance departmenthaub family faculty fellow at Carroll School of Management
- Carroll School of Management
Carroll School of Management
Ph.D., University of Rochester
M.S., University of Rochester
Licenciatura in Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon
Professor Albuquerque''s research interests include asset pricing, international finance, capital market imperfections, and corporate governance.
- Journal of Banking and Finance, Associate Editor, 2015-Present
- Portuguese Economic Journal, Associate Editor, 2015-Present
- Journal of Banking and Finance, ad hoc editorial committee special issue on Real Options, 2015
- Finance Research Letters, Associate Editor, 2013-2014
- Research Fellow, Center for Economic and Policy Research
- Research Associate, European Corporate Governance Institute
- Smith Breeden Distinguished Paper Prize, Journal of Finance, 2008
- ECGI Finance Best Paper Award for 2013, 2008
- “Valuation Risk and Asset Pricing” (with Martin Eichenbaum, Victor Luo and Sergio Rebelo) Journal of Finance, forthcoming.
- “Long-run Bulls and Bears,” (with Martin Eichenbaum, Dimitris Papanikolaou and Sérgio Rebelo). December 2014. _Journal of Monetary Economics. _Forthcoming.
- “The Value of Control and the Costs of Illiquidity,” (with Enrique Schroth) Journal of Finance, Vol. 70(4), pp. 1405-1455, August 2015.
- “Investment Analysis of Autocallable Contingent Income Securities,” (with Raquel Gaspar and Allen Michel) Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 71, pp. 61–83, May/June 2015.
- “Trade Credit and Cross-Country Predictable Firm Returns,” (with Tarun Ramadorai and Sumudu W. Watugala) Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 115, pp. 592–613, March 2015.
- “Advance Information and Asset Prices,” (with Jianjun Miao) Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 149, pp. 236–275, January 2014.
- “CEO Power, Compensation, and Governance,” (with Jianjun Miao) Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 417-452, November 2013.
- “Skewness in Stock Returns: Reconciling the Evidence on Firm versus Aggregate Stock Returns,” Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 25 (5), pp. 1630-1673, May 2012.
- “Quantifying private benefits of control from a structural model of block trades,” (with Enrique Schroth) Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 96(1), pp. 33-55, April 2010.
- “Global Private Information in International Equity Markets,” (with Greg Bauer and Martin Schneider) Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 94 (1), pp. 18-46, October 2009.
- “Economic News and International Stock Market Co-Movement,” (with Clara Vega), Review of Finance, Vol. 13(3), pp. 401-465, July 2009. (lead article)
- “Agency Conflicts, Investment, and Asset Pricing,” (with Neng Wang), The Journal of Finance, Vol. 63(1), pp. 1-40, February 2008. (lead article)
- “Marketwide Private Information in Stocks: Forecasting Currency Returns,” (with Eva de Francisco and Luis Marques) The Journal of Finance, Vol. 63(5), pp. 2297-2343, October 2008.
- “International Equity Flows and Returns: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Approach,” (with Greg Bauer and Martin Schneider) The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 74(1), No. 258, pp. 1-30, January 2007.
- “World Market Integration Through the Lens of Foreign Direct Investors,” (with Norman Loayza and Luis Serven), Journal of International Economics, Vol. 66(2), pp. 267-295, August 2005. (lead article)
- “Optimal Lending Contracts and Firm Dynamics,” (with Hugo Hopenhayn) The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 71(2), No. 247, pp. 285-315, April 2004.
- “The Composition of International Capital Flows: Risk Sharing Through Foreign Direct Investment,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 61(2), pp. 353-383, December 2003.
- “On The Dynamics of Trade Reform,” (with Sérgio Rebelo) Journal of International Economics, Vol. 51(1), pp. 21-48, June 2000.
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