Rosa Llamas

Visiting associate professor, Dr. at CBS Executive


  • CBS Executive



CBS Executive


My research interests focus on the meaning of luxury, transformative consumer research, sharing, digital consumption and global consumer culture. My work is often visual, qualitative, and interpretive and has been conducted in different cultural settings.

Together with Prof. Thyra Uth Thomsen, I am currently working on two research projects on new and disruptive views of luxury and on consumer happiness. She possesses the talent to bring together criticality and constructiveness, offering sage thoughts, brilliant ideas and never-ending encouragement, stimulating my passion for doing research.


In Copenhagen Business School I have found an insightful and vibrant environment to do research. The lively atmosphere and excellent people at the Marketing Department has made me feel very welcomed, involved and part of the group. Sharing time and conversations with avant-garde researchers has had a great impact on my work. Alltogether, it is a great honour to be part of the Department of Marketing at CBS.

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