Robert Merges

Affiliated Professor at Haas School of Business


  • Haas School of Business



Haas School of Business

JSD, Columbia University
LL.M, Columbia University
JD, Yale University
BS, Carnie-Mellon University
Positions Held
External Service and Assignments
- Special consultant, US Department of Justice - Member, US Department of Justice Task Force on Intellectual Property

Selected Papers and Publications
- “As Many as Six Impossible Patents Before Breakfast: Property Rights for Business Concepts and Patent System Reform.” Berkeley Technology Law Journal (1999). - “The Control of Strategic Alliances: An Empirical Analysis of Biotechnology Collaborations.” Journal of Industrial Economics (1998). - “Intellectual Property and Digital Content: Notes on a Scorecard.” Rivista di Diritto Industriale (1998).

Read about executive education

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