Phebo Wibbens

Assistant Professor of Strategy at INSEAD Business School


  • INSEAD Business School



INSEAD Business School

Phebo Wibbens is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at INSEAD in France. He teaches the MBA elective MAACS (Mergers, Acquisitions, Alliances and Corporate Strategy), as well as PhD course sessions on competitive strategy, corporate strategy, and research methods

In his research, Prof. Wibbens studies how companies create long-term value using methods from physics, mathematics, and economics. Together with his co-author Nicolaj Siggelkow at Wharton, he has created a new measure of long-term firm performance called LIVA (long-term investor value appropriation). More information on this measure, including 20 years of performance for 45,000+ firms globally, can be found on His research has been published in the Strategic Management Journal and has been accoladed several times as one of the Best Papers at the Academy of Management annual meetings.

Prof. Wibbens holds PhD and MSc degrees in Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, as well as MSc degrees (cum laude) in both Physics and Mathematics from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Before his academic career, he worked for 8 years at Bain & Company in Amsterdam and Boston, first as a consultant and later leading the research team in the Global Strategy Practice. He co-authored the management book “Iconic: How to create a virtuous circle of success”, describing the strategies of long-term iconic organisations such as the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.

Research Areas

Competitive Strategy, Formal Foundations of Strategy, Resource Based View

Teaching Areas

Corporate Strategy, Organisational Design, Research Methods


  • Wibbens P. (2021). A Formal Framework for the RBV: Resource Dynamics as a Markov Process. Strategic Management Journal

  • Wibbens P. (2021). The Role of Competitive Amplification in Explaining Sustained Performance Heterogeneity. Strategic Management Journal, 42(10)

  • Wibbens P., Koo W. W., McGahan A. M. (2020). Which COVID Policies Are Most Effective? A Bayesian Analysis of COVID-19 by Jurisdiction (e0244177). PLOS One, 15(12)

  • Wibbens P., Siggelkow N. (2020). Introducing LIVA to Measure Long‐Term Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 41(5)

  • Wibbens P. (2019). Performance Persistence in the Presence of Higher-Order Resources. Strategic Management Journal, 40(2)

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