Patrik Ström

Associate Professor of Economic Geography at University of Gothenburg / Director, European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics


  • Stockholm School of Economics



Stockholm School of Economics

Patrik Ström is Associate Professor of Economic Geography, Centre for International Business Studies, Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg. Ström is currently the Head of Department at the Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Roskilde University and an Econ. Dr. in Economic Geography from the University of Gothenburg. His research has focused on the internationalization and competitiveness of the knowledge-intensive service industry in Europe and Asia. Ström was president of the European Association for Research on Services (RESER) from 2012-2018. Additionally, he is active as an expert for the private and public sectors on issues of service industry growth. Lately he was also member of the EU Commission High Level Group on Business Services, where he chaired the working group on Internationalization of Services.


  • Japanese Economic Engagement With the EU: Geopolitics Meets Business
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström, Claes G. Alvstam
    Journal of Applied Business and Economics - 2022-01-01

  • Sweden and Japan - 100 days with the new Suga government
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström, Marie Söderberg, Åsa Malmsten Rognes
    EIJS Policy Brief - 2021-01-01

  • Japan – the aftermath of the Olympics
    Patrik Ström, Richard Nakamura, Åsa Malmström Rognes
    EIJS Policy Brief - 2021-01-01

  • The EU/Japan EPA – taking stock and looking ahead
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström - 2021-01-01

  • Japanese Business Reinvention in Europe
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström, Claes G. Alvstam
    EAMSA 2021 - 2021-01-01

  • Japanese Business Reinvention in Europe: the case of Sweden
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström, Claes G. Alvstam
    Academy of International Business, AIB - 2021-01-01

  • Japanese Business Reinvention in Europe: The case of Sweden
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström, Claes G. Alvstam
    Association of Japanese Business Studies, AJBS - 2021-01-01

  • 100 dagar med ett ett nytt Japan - så påverkar landets problem Sverige.
    Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström, Marie Söderberg, Åsa Malmström Rognes
    Fokus - 2021-01-01

  • Closing the Digital Entrepreneurship Gap the Case of Returnee Entrepreneurs in Morocco
    Robert Wentrup, Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström
    Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies - 2020-01-01

  • Service Markets: Digital Business Models and International Expansion
    Robert Wentrup, Patrik Ström
    Digital Business Models Driving Transformation and Innovation - 2019-01-01

  • Bridging the conceptual divide on international knowledge-intensive services: The 4C framework
    Kristin Brandl, Peter Örberg Jensen, Andrew Jones, Patrik Ström
    European International Business Academy 2019 - 2019-01-01

  • Service economy integration in Latin America – international connection and value chain upgrading
    Andew Jones, Patrik Ström
    Proceedings of the European Association for Research on Services (RESER) - 2019-01-01

  • Uberization in Paris - the issue of trust between a digital platform and digital workers
    Robert Wentrup, Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström
    Critical Perspectives on International Business - 2019-01-01

  • The Korean online game wave – development within the experience economy
    Patrik Ström, Mirko Ernkvist
    Services, experiences and innovation : integrating and extending research / edited by Ada Scupola and Lars Fuglsang - 2018-01-01

  • Chinese foreign acquisitions aimed for strategic asset-creation and innovation upgrading: The case of Geely and Volvo Cars
    Ramsin Yakob, Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström
    Technovation - 2018-01-01

  • Differentiation in digital creative industry cluster dynamics: the growth and decline of the Japanese video game software industry
    M. Ernkvist, Patrik Ström
    Geografiska Annaler Series B-Human Geography - 2018-01-01

  • Asian varieties of service capitalism?
    A. Jones, Patrik Ström
    Geoforum - 2018-01-01

  • The service sector in the free-trade agreement between the EU and Singapore: closing the gap between policy and business realities.
    Erja Kettunen, Claes G. Alvstam, Patrik Ström
    Asia Europe Journal - 2017-01-01

  • Chinese Foreign Acquisitions Aimed for Innovation Upgrading: The Case of Geely and Volvo Cars
    Ramsin Yakob, Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström
    2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business – the locus of global innovation, New Orleans, LA USA, June 27-30, 2016, Presenting (1) Fostering Local Managerial Capacity in China: HRM, Matched Pairs, and Knowledge-Collectivities - 2016-01-01

  • Online services: An equalising force between the global north and the global south?
    Robert Wentrup, Richard Nakamura, Patrik Ström
    Globalisation and Services-Driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South, Edited By Niels Beerepoot, Bart Lambregts, Jana Kleibert - 2016-01-01

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