Patric Andersson

Associate Professor at Stockholm School of Economics


  • Stockholm School of Economics



Stockholm School of Economics

Associate Professor Patric Andersson is a researcher in the area of economic psychology at the Economic Research Institute. His research interests concern decision-making, expert judgment, forecasting, mood, sports judgments as well as behavioral accounting, economics and finance. He has received several research grants and awards. Affiliated with Department of Marketing and Strategy, Dr. Andersson teaches a course in Financial psychology blending findings from psychology and behavioral finance. In addition, he has tutored several master theses.


Ph.D. in Economic Psychology and Business Administration, 2001, Stockholm School of Economics

Selected publications
Andersson, Ayton, & Schmidt. (2008). Myths and facts about football: The economics and psychology of the world''s greatest sport. Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
Andersson & Hellman. (2007). Does pro forma reporting bias analyst forecasts?. European Accounting Review, 16, 277-298
Andersson & Rakow. (2007). Now you see it now you don’t: The effectiveness of the recognition heuristic for selecting stocks. Judgment and Decision Making 2, 29-39
Andersson, et al. (2005). Predicting the World Cup 2002: Performance and confidence of experts and non-experts. International Journal of Forecasting 21, 565-576

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