Osmar Zavaleta
- EGADE Business School
EGADE Business School
Professor Zavaleta Vazquez specializes in the field of math for finance, statistics for finance, financial econometrics, appraisal of derived instruments and investment management.
He has published academic research articles on several financial topics in well-known, prestigious national and international journals, as well as informative articles and interviews for the mass media. He has also participated as a speaker in several academic congresses and research. He is a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level I, Conacyt.
Throughout his career at Tecnológico de Monterrey, in addition to his academic activities, Professor Zavaleta has performed a range of managerial duties. Currently, he is the Director of EGADE Business School, Monterrey Campus. He was the Director of the Specialty in Energetic Management and National Director of the Management Department, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing also at EGADE Business School. He was Director of the Division of Management and Finance of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus, amongst other academic and managerial positions. He has also participated as visiting professor in several universities in Latin America, such as the American University in Managua (Nicaragua), the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Peru), and the Military School of Engineers in la Paz (Bolivia).
He was the National Director of Postgraduate Degrees of the National Association of Accounting and Administration Faculties and Schools and a member of the Board of A.B. Freeman School of Business of the University of Tulane (USA).
- Ph.D. in Finance
- A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
- Master in Finance
- Tulane University
- Master in Applied Statistics
- Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Master in Industrial Engineering
- Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Teaching Labor Award. Tecnológico de Monterrey (1998 and 2013)
- Professor that has left its mark Award. Tecnológico de Monterrey (2013)
- Research Award. Mexican Stock Exchange (2008)
- Research Award. IMEF and E&Y (2013)
- SNI Level I. Conacyt (2016)
- Zavaleta- Vázquez Osmar H., O. Gutierrez-Muñoz (2012), Mercados Financieros y Desarrollo Económico: Un Análisis sobre el Mercado de Deuda Corporativa de México, Ide@s CONCYTEG, 7 (89), pp. 1255-1272. ISSN 2007-2716
- Zavaleta- Vázquez Osmar H., F. Trigos-Salazar (2013), ¿Cómo influye la Función de Satisfacción de un Inversionista en la Optimización de un Portafolio de Inversión? Ide@s CONCYTEG, 2013. ISSN 2007-2716
- Zavaleta- Vazquez Osmar H., I. Martínez-Silva (2015). Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo del Mercado de Capitales en México. INNOVAR-Journal of Administrative and Social Sciences. VOL. 25, EDICIÓN ESPECIAL 2015
- Zavaleta- Vázquez Osmar H., J. González Maiz (2016). The Implicit Impact of Cross-Listing on Stock Prices: A Market Microstructure Perspective – The Case of Latin American Markets. Revista Contaduría y Administración 61 (2016)
- Zavaleta- Vazquez Osmar H., L. Arenas (2016). Futures contracts implementation and their impact on commodities spot prices volatility: Evidence from the Derivatives Markets of Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016
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