Mohammad Alshboul

Assistant Professor at Jordan University of Science and Technology



My name is Mohammad Alshboul. I'm an Assistant Professor in the Computer Engineering department at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), which is one of the top universities in my region. I completed my Master and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University (NCSU). During my graduate studies, I worked in ARPERS research group, supervised by Prof. Yan Solihin. I was co-advised by Prof. James Tuck.

These days, I work on very interesting topics in Computer Architecture, dealing with Memory Systems Management, especially the newly-emerging Non-Volatile Main Memories (NVMM). My main focus nowadays is how to write better algorithms by exploiting our knowledge in the computer architecture level. This is a very intriguing problem because it requires a solid understanding in both the hardware and software layers. I'm also interested in topics related to Operating Systems and Security, in addition to any related cross-disciplinary research problems.

I love problem-solving, especially when the solution involves programming or automation. The good thing is that we have plenty of such challenges in our field. That's why I'm very happy with what I'm currently doing!

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