Mikkel Flyverbom
Professor with special responsibilities, Communication and Digital Transformations, PhD at CBS Executive
- CBS Executive
CBS Executive
I’m a Professor (MSO) of Communication and Digital Transformations at Copenhagen Business School.
My main research interests concern how digital technologies shape communication and governance processes in organizational settings. More specifically, I’m interested in how organizations engage with digital transformations, such as ‘big data’ and internet infrastructures that unsettle established ways of working and thinking. My research addresses how the Internet has emerged as a key concern in global politics (see my book The Power of Networks), how ‘big data’ relates to knowledge production and the politics of transparency (see The Politics of Transparency), how transparency ideals shape the Internet domain (see the Sunlight in Cyberspace), and how power and transparency intersect (see The Transparency-Power Nexus). I work both empirically and conceptually on these issues, currently focusing on two projects:
Digital technologies and visibility management : This project seeks to conceptualize transparency and other ways of seeing, knowing and governing as forms of visibility management. On this topic, I’m editing special issue of The International Journal of Communication (with Paul Leonardi, Cynthia Stohl and Michael Stohl), and working on a book to be published by Cambridge University Press. My research in this area has been funded by a Google Research Award.
Datafication and anticipatory governance : Big data and algorithms play increasingly important roles in attempts to predict, measure and govern, and this new project looks at how organizations such as Internet companies, think tanks and international organizations turn digital traces into actionable and anticipatory knowledge. My work in this area is part of a five-year research project funded by a major grant from the Swedish Riksbank and led by Christina Garsten.
I actively engage in teaching, public speaking, advisory work and other efforts to highlight the relevance of my research in multiple settings. Most recently, I have been a member of the European Commission’s expert group TrustForesight, been appointed to the Advisory Board of the think tank DataEthics and asked to join the Editorial Board of the international journal Big Data&Society.
Primary research areas
- Global Internet governance
- Transparency in and around organizations
- Big data and governance
- Internet industry
- Corporate advocacy
- Networks
Digital Communication Strategies og Datafication
PhD and master''s students
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