Mattias Svahn

Research Fellow at Stockholm School of Economics


  • Stockholm School of Economics



Stockholm School of Economics

Mattias Svahn is a research fellow at the Stockholm School of Economics Institute of Economic Research  where he researches digital media consumer psychology with a focus on gamification design, ambient media and guerilla media. 

Research in progress  
He is currently working on a book on the near future of gamification on request of The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Development Council . The books Facebook page is here, feel free to like it for updates on the project. 

He is also a visiting professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga where he teaches courses in digital media consumer behaviour and market research methodologies. 

Some Selected publications:
 - Book Chapters:

 Svahn, M., Wahlund, R., Denward, M., Rademaker, C., & Nilsson, P. (2016). A model for evaluating converging media for advertising purposes. In A. Lugmayr (Ed.), Convergence-Divergence, Cross-Disciplinary Viewpoints on Media Convergence (1st ed., ). Germany: Springer Verlag.

Svahn, M. (2014) Persuasive Pervasive Games The Case of Impacting Energy Consumption (Doctoral Dissertation) Retrieved from DiVa. 

Svahn, M., & Waern, A. (2014). Communicating the obvious: How a persuasive pervasive game on electricity consumption influenced the attitudes of players and their families. In D. Ruggiero (Ed.), Cases on the societal effects of persuasive games (1st ed.,). London UK: IGI-Global Publishing . 

 Wahlund, R., . Rademaker, C. Nilsson, P., & . Svahn, M. (2013). Mediernas roll i marknadskommunikationen. In G. Nygren, & I. . Wadbring (Eds.), På väg mot medievärlden 2020 : Journalistik, teknik, marknad (2nd ed., ) Studentlitteratur. 
Nilsson, P., Rademaker, C., Svahn, M., & Wahlund, R. (2013). Om medieutveckling - tillbaka till framtiden. In P. Andersson, B. Axelsson & C. Rosenqvist (Eds.), Det mogna tjänstesamhällets förnyelse (1st ed., pp. 345-383). Lund: Studentlitteratur. 

 SVAHN, M. and LANGE, F., 2009. Marketing the Category of Pervasive Games. In: M. MONTOLA, J. STENROS and A. WAERN, eds, Pervasive Games; Theory and Design. Germany: Morgan Kaufman, .
Published Conference Proceedings:
SVAHN, M. 2010 Consumer Perceptions of Additions to Geographic and Social Space Proceedings of the 3rd Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME)

 SVAHN, M. 2009.Processing Play Perceptions of Persuasion. DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory. 

 Bång, M., Svahn, M. and Gustafsson, A., 2009. Persuasive design of a mobile energy conservation game with direct feedback and social cues, DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory.

Gustafsson, A. Bång, M., & Svahn M., 2009 Power Explorer – a casual game style for encouraging long term behaviour change among teenagers International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2009). 

Svahn, M., 2006 Brainwashing is fun! 2:nd Tampere Seminar on Playing Roles 

 Svahn, M., 2005. Future-proofing advergaming: a systematisation for the media buyer. Proceedings of the Second Australasian Conference on interactive Entertainment.

Presentations, Lectures and Workshops

 2010 Invited presenter at the workshop for business models in ambient media at the International Conference om Ambient Intelligence, Malaga, Spain

2009 Invited presenter at the European Location Based Entertainment Summit, about researching casual games for advertising, Malmö Sweden 

2009 Invited presenter at the DIGRA – (Digital Games Research Association) conference in London, UK, on researching business models for games.

2007 Invited presenter holding a tutorial workshop, on business models for games at the Pervasive Games Conference, Salzburg Austria.

2006 Invited presenter on game business model research at “Nokia Game Days”, at Nokia Research Centre Helsinki Finland 

2006 Invited presenter at the Tampere Hypermedia Labs Role Playing Seminar, Finland,

2005 Invited presenter, on strategies for advertising in games, at the Interactive Entertainment Conference in Sidney Australia.

Invited guest lecturer, at the Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm University departments of Systems Science, and departments, of advertising and PR

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