Martin Obschonka

Director at Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research and Full Professor at QUT Business School, Queensland University of Technology


Martin Obschonka is a psychologist working in the research fields applied psychology, entrepreneurship, vocational behavior, economic culture, and social, economic, and technological change.
He is currently Director of the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research and Full Professor of Entrepreneurship in the QUT Business School, Brisbane, Australia (School of Management). In 2018 he was appointed as International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management.

He is Chair of the Academic Committee of the annual ACERE conference (Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange).

He is Associated Editor of Small Business Economics and International Journal of Psychology.

He is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, and Management Review Quarterly

After completing an advanced vocational training as a wholesale and foreign trade manager in Germany, Martin earned a diploma in psychology (highest honors) from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and a PhD (highest honors) and a habilitation in psychology from the University of Jena, Germany. He was a postdoctoral fellow of the Pathways International Postdoc Programme, funded by the Jacobs Foundation. He was Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Psychology at Saarland University, Germany. He is currently Full Professor of Entrepreneurship in the QUT Business School (School of Management, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research). In 2018 he was appointed as International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Research topics

With his focus on person-environment interactions and transaction, his research aims at advancing the knowledge of psychological and economic factors and mechanisms relevant for human agency in context. His research involves projects on entrepreneurial development over the lifespan, entrepreneurial regions and culture, public policy, human capital, personality, geographical psychology, organisational behaviour, well-being and stress, and social and economic change. He has an interest in interdisciplinary projects, cross-cultural perspectives, innovative data and methods, and also in the practical application of new scientific knowledge.


  • Full Professor and Centre Director QUT (Queensland University of Technology) (2018)
  • International Faculty Fellow MIT Sloan School of Management (2018 — 2018)
  • Associate Professor - Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research QUT (Queensland University of Technology) (2017 — 2018)
  • Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Psychology Universität des Saarlandes (2014 — 2017)


  • Postdoc Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (2012 — 2014)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (2007 — 2011)
  • Diplom Universität Hamburg (2001 — 2007)
  • Diplom Universität Hamburg
  • Kaufmann im Groß- und Außenhandel Schaerf GmbH Greifswald (1997 — 1999)


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