Martin Maas

Lecturer Employer Branding at Technische Universität München



Before starting my first degree (Bachelor of Arts, Social Work), I worked for the Badische Sportjugend for two years and was responsible, among other things, for the organization and implementation of youth camps at home and abroad, international youth exchange measures, gender projects and sports grant work . In addition to many voluntary positions in the social sector, I also worked as a supervisor for a wilderness therapy organization in the USA and looked after difficult-to-educate young people in the Rocky Mountains for several months as part of a German television production.

From 2010 to February 2016, I worked in the “ Employer Branding ” department at Daimler AG and was particularly involved in the topics of employer branding strategy, social media, job boards and innovation projects in a central function. During this time, I also took advantage of the opportunity to complete my master's degree in General Management at Steinbeis University at Daimler while working.

From March 2016 to February 2017, I worked in the corporate strategy of Daimler AG in the “DigitalLife” area and dealt with change management issues in the context of digitalization. You can find out more about the topic “DigitalLife@Daimler” here .

In March 2017, I dared to move from the German automotive industry to the Swiss insurance industry - more precisely to Basel. Helvetia Insurance gave me an offer to take the lead and fundamentally rebuild the topic of employer branding for the Helvetia Group, as well as to develop the recruiting processes for the newly created recruiting center. At Helvetia, I worked as Head of Employer Branding, Young Talent Programs and Young Talent Recruiting until the end of 2022. I have been working as Global Head Employer Branding at ZF since January 2023.

Since I started in the area of ​​employer branding and recruiting in 2010, I have regularly worked as a speaker at various events in German-speaking countries. In addition, I have been giving lectures on “Employer Branding” at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences since October 2013 and work there as a lecturer and supervisor of bachelor’s and master’s theses. As part of the DEBA Employer Brand Manager training, I also regularly lecture at the Technical University of Munich.

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