Mark Gooden

Professor of Education Leadership at Teachers College Columbia University


  • Teachers College Columbia University




Teachers College Columbia University

Scholarly Interests

Principalship, anti-racist leadership, culturally responsive school leadership and legal issues in education

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. and M.A. in Policy and Leadership, The Ohio State University
  • M.Ed. in Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University
  • B.A. in Mathematics, Albany State University

Selected Publications

Davis, B.W., Gooden, M.A., Bowers, A.J. (2017) Pathways to the principalship: An event history analysis of the careers of teachers with administrator certification. American Educational Research Journal 54(2), 207-240.

Gooden, M.A., Jabbar, H., & Torres, M. (2016). Race and school vouchers: Legal, historical, and political contexts. Peabody Journal of Education 91(4). 522-536. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2016.1207445

Khalifa, M., Gooden, M.A., & Davis, J. (2016). Culturally responsive school leadership: A synthesis of the literature. Review of Educational Research 86(4). 1272-1310.

Green, T.L., & Gooden, M.A. (2016). A Wrong Without a Remedy: 40 Years After Milliken v. Bradley I (1974) and Its Progeny in the Fight for Educational Equity. Teachers College Record 118 (3).

Gooden, M.A., & Green, T.L. (2016). Reflections on litigating Milliken I (1974) 40 years later: A conversation with the honorable judges Nathaniel Jones. Teachers College Record 118 (3).

Green, T. L., & Gooden, M.A. (2016). The shaping of policy: Exploring the contexts, contradictions, and contours of privilege of Milliken v. Bradley I and its progeny 40 years later. Teachers College Record 118 (3).

Davis, B.W., Gooden, M.A., & Micheaux, D.J. (2015). Colorblind Leadership: A critical race theory analysis of the ISLLC and ELCC Standards. Educational Administration Quarterly 51(3), 335-371. DOI: 10.1177/0013161X15587092.

Gooden, M.A. & O’Doherty, A. (2015). Do you see what I see? Fostering aspiring leaders’ racial awareness. Urban Education 50(2), 225-255.

Gooden, M.A. & Dorsey, D.T. (2014). The distorted looking glass: Examining how housing identity privilege obviates the goals of Brown v. Board of Education at 60. Educational Administration Quarterly 50(5), 764-782. DOI: 10.1177/0013161X14550197.


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