Marie Mitchell
Associate Professor at Terry College of Business
Terry College of Business
PhD, Business Administration, Management, University of Central Florida, 2006
MA, Human Resource Management, Rollins College, 1998
BA, Political Science, George Mason University, 1993
Research Interests
- Behavioral ethics
- Social exchange/workplace relationships
- Workplace deviance/aggression/abusive supervision
- Leader Behaviors
- Self-resources and energy
- Organizational Justice
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- Mitchell, M. S., Greenbaum, R. L., Vogel, R. M., Mawritz, M. B., & Keating, D. J. In press. Can you handle the pressure? The effect of performance pressure on stress appraisals, self-regulation, and behavior. Academy of Management Journal.
- Mitchell, M. S., Baer, M. D., Ambrose, M. L., Folger, R., & Palmer, N. F. 2018. Cheating under pressure: A self-protective model of workplace cheating behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(1): 54-73.
- Dang, C., Umphress, E. E., & Mitchell, M. S. 2017. Leader social accounts of subordinates’ unethical behavior: Examining observer reactions to leader social accounts with moral disengagement language. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(10): 1448-1461.
- Vogel, R. M., & Mitchell, M. S. 2017. The motivational effects of diminished self-esteem for employees who experience abusive supervision. Journal of Management , 43(7): 2218-2251.
- Tepper, B. J., Mitchell, M. S., Haggard, D. L., Kwan, H. K., & Park, H. 2015. On the exchange of hostility with supervisors: An examination of self-enhancing and self-defeating perspectives. Personnel Psychology, 68(4): 723-758.
- Mitchell, M. S., Vogel, R. M., & Folger, R. 2015. Third-parties’ reactions to the abusive supervision of coworkers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4):1040-1055.
- Vogel, R. M., Mitchell, M. S., Tepper, B. J., Restubog, S. L. D., Hu, C., Hua, W., & Huang, J-C. 2015. A cross-cultural examination of subordinates’ perceptions of and reactions to abusive supervision. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(5): 720-745.
- Thau, S., Derfler-Rozin, R., Pitesa, M., Mitchell, M. S., & Pillutla, M. 2015. Unethical behavior for the sake of the group: Risk of social exclusion and unethical behavior in groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1): 98-113.
- *Jennings, P. L., *Mitchell, M. S., & Hannah, S. T. 2015. The moral self: A review and integration of the literature. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(S1): S104-S168. * indicates authors contributed equally.
- Mitchell, M. S., & Ambrose, M. L. 2012. Employees’ reactions to supervisor aggression: An examination of individual and situational factors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(6): 1148-1170.
- Thau, S., & Mitchell, M. S. 2010. Self-gain or self-regulation impairment? Tests of competing explanations of the supervisor abuse and employee deviance relationship through perceptions of distributive justice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(6): 1009-1031.
- Brown, M. E., & Mitchell, M. S. 2010. Ethical and unethical leadership: Exploring new avenues for future research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(4): 583-616.
- Umphress, E. E., Bingham, J. B., & Mitchell, M. S. 2010. Unethical behavior in the name of the company: The moderating effect of organizational identification and positive reciprocity beliefs influencing unethical pro-organizational behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(4): 769-780.
- Thau, S., Bennett, R. J., Mitchell, M. S., & Marrs, M. B. 2009. How management style moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and workplace deviance: An uncertainty management perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108(1): 79-92.
- Mitchell, M. S., & Ambrose, M. L. 2007. Abusive supervision and workplace deviance and the moderating effects of negative reciprocity beliefs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1159-1168.
- Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. 2005. Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review of conceptual and definitional issues. Journal of Management, 31(6): 874-900.
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