Mace Sandrine

PhD in Business Administration, Professor at ESCP Europe Business School


  • ESCP Europe Business School




ESCP Europe Business School


Sandrine Macé is a professor at ESCP Europe. She holds a Doctorate in Marketing and is a graduate of ENSAE (School specializing in Statistics) and ESSEC. She is the Scientific Director of the IoT (Internet of Things) Chair, sponsored by Schneider Electric, Société Générale Insurance and Valeo. She is in charge of the Executive Specialized Master’s in Marketing and Communication both at  ESA Beirut (Ecole Supérieure des Affaires), a sister school of ESCP Europe. She is also in charge of the Digital Marketing seminars for Executives.

She is the co-author of Méthodes Statisitiques Appliquées au Management (Pearson, 2016). She is also the author of La politique commerciale du point de vente (Vuibert, 2001) and has made contributions to other publications (Distribution et Prospective  - : Prospective et Stratégies, Economica 2005  - - Le Marketeur, Pearson 2003  - - Manuel de Gestion, Ellipses 2004  - - Encyclopédie Vente et de distribution, Economica 2001  - - Encyclopédie Vente et de distribution, Economica 2001  - - Etudes et recherches en distribution, Economica 2000). She has worked for Pearson-Village Mondial, on the French adaptation of several books: The Highly Effective Marketing Plan, Smarter Pricing and Blog Marketing.

In 2000, Sandrine Macé was a research fellow at Amos Tuck Business School, Dartmouth  - College, where she conducted research in sales promotion. She is authorized to supervise doctoral students. Her fields of research are: sales promotion, retailing, IoT and quantitative techniques applied to marketing. From 2010 to 2016, she was the Vice President in charge for Research and for Publications of the Association Française du Marketing (French Marketing Academy).


Research Interest


  • Marketing
  • e-business
  • Quantitative Methods

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