Kim Sundtoft Hald
Professor with special responsibilities, PH.D. at CBS Executive
CBS Executive
Dr. Hald´s research is oriented towards establishing an understanding of how supply networks are managed. In particular interest is on how firms develop and use management technologies to motivate and control suppliers. His is also interested in exploring how decisions forming supply network are made. Among the central research questions explored recently are: How can we understand the construction and use of performance measurement systems in supply networks? How can we understand the concept of attractiveness in buyer-supplier relationships? How are modern procurement organizations such as category management governed? How can we understand the value of sustainability in operations?
Primary research areas
- Operations Management & Supply Chain Management
- Supplier Relationships
- Performance Management
- Construction of Management Accounting
- Sustainable Operations- and Supply Management
- Course responsible and teacher (Elective) - Strategic Procurement (HD-SCM)
- Course responsible and teacher (Elective) - Supplier Relationships (HD-SCM)
Read about executive education
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