Keith Lambrecht

Director, Sport Management Program, Associate Professor at Quinlan School of Business


  • Quinlan School of Business



Quinlan School of Business

Selected Publications

Refereed Articles

Kaefer, F., K. Lambrecht, S. Ramenofsky. "Sportscape Factors Influencing Spectator Attendance and Satisfaction at a Profesional Golf Association Tournament." Sport Marketing Quarterly. 18.2 (2009). 165-172.

Lambrecht, K., K. Miloch. "Consumer Awareness of Sponsorship at Grassroots Sport Events." Sport Marketing Quarterly. 15.3 (2006).

Presentation of Refereed Papers

Lambrecht, K. "PGA Tournament Spectator Satisfaction Study." Sport Management Association for Australia and New Zealand. 2008.

Lambrecht, K. "The Benefits of Study Abroad Courses: Beijing, China Summer 2007." Sport Management Association for Australia and New Zealand. Ybjbiwb. 2008.

Lambrecht, K. "Spectator Satisfaction at a PGA Event." International Conference on Sport & Entertainment Business. 2006.

Kaefer, F., K. Lambrecht, S. Ramenofsky. "Sportscape Factors Influencing Spectator Satisfaction: A case study in professional golf." North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM 2009). Columbia, South Carolina. 2009.

Lambrecht, K., F. Kaefer, S. Ramenofsky. "Sportscape factors influencing spectator satisfaction: A case study in professional golf." North American Society for Sport Management. Columbia, South Carolina. 2009.

Lambrecht, Keith, and . Kraft. "Opportunities and Challenges of Offering a Sport Management Program in the B- School."North American Society for Sport Management Conference. Columbia, South Carolina. 2009.

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