John Mercer

Professor Emeritus, Geography at Syracuse University


  • Syracuse University



Syracuse University


Ph.D., McMaster University, 1971


Urban and political geography, housing, comparative studies


"Canadian Cities in Continental Context" in Trudi Bunting and Pierre Filion (eds.) Canadian Cities in Transition, 3rd ed. (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2006: 24-39) (with Kim England)

"Canadian Cities in Continental Context" in Trudi Bunting and Pierre Filion (eds.) Canadian Cities in Transition, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2000: 55-75) (with Kim England)

"North American Cities: The Micro-geography" in Fred W. Boal and Stephen A. Royle (eds.) North America: A Geographical Mosaic (London: Edward Arnold, 1991: 191-206)

"The Canadian City in Continental Context" in Trudi Bunting and Pierre Filion (eds.) The Changing Canadian City (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991: 45-68)

New Perspectives on Race and Housing in Britain (Glasgow: Centre for Housing Research, 1987) (Co-edited with Susan J. Smith)

The Myth of the North American City (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986) (with M. A. Goldberg)

The City in Cultural Context (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1984) (Co- edited with J. A. Agnew and D. Sopher)

"Locational Conflicts and the Politics of Consumption," Economic Geography Vol. 56, 1980: 89-109

"Metropolitan Housing Quality and an Application of Causal Modelling," Geographical Analysis Vol. 7, 1975: 295-302.  

Teaching Appointments

2002-2005, Dean, The Graduate School, Syracuse University
2001, Acting Dean, The Graduate School, Syracuse University
1999-2001, Associate Dean, The Graduate School, Syracuse University
1990-present, Professor, Syracuse University
1989-1990, Professor, University of Victoria, British Columbia
1989, Professor, Syracuse University
1980-1989, Associate Professor, Syracuse University
1974-1980, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
1973-1974, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
1970-1973, Assistant Professor, University of Iowa 

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