John Mandyck

CEO Urban Green Council at Harvard Graduate School of Design


Harvard Graduate School of Design

John Mandyck has recently co-written, "Food Foolish: The Hidden Connection Between Food Waste, Hunger, and Climate Change." The book details the social, economic, and environmental consequences of throwing away one-third or more of the food we produce each year.

Mandyck serves as chief sustainability officer for the United Technologies Corporation Climate, Controls & Security Systems, which recently formed through the integration of Carrier Corp. with UTC Fire & Security. UTC Climate, Controls & Security Systems is a unit of UTC, a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide. In his position he is responsible for assessing global environmental trends to guide product development, brand positioning and market opportunities. In addition to sustainability, he leads the company's marketing and communications function. He interfaces with global environmental stakeholders and leading organizations such as the U.S. Green Building Council, which Carrier helped found in 1993, the India Green Building Council and others.

Mandyck is a member of the Corporate Council for the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard University. Mandyck serves on the Board of Directors of Urban Green Council, the U.S. Green Building Council's New York City Chapter, as well as the U.S. Department of Energy Appliance Standards Advisory Committee. He also serves as an official advisor to China's Green Building Council. He has presented energy efficiency and sustainability strategies to audiences in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Middle East, Singapore, U.S. and others.

Previously, Mandyck managed public policy issues as Carrier's Vice President, Government & International Relations for 11 years. Over his 18-year career at Carrier, he also served as the Executive Assistant to the President of Carrier.

Mandyck received his bachelor's degree in policy studies from Syracuse University, as well as a master's degree in public administration from the Maxwell School in 1992. He attributes Maxwell for providing him a solid foundation in policy and data analysis, which he relies on every day in his career.


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