John Luong

Visiting Professor at Bar-Ilan University/Scientist,Walton Fellow, Professor, and Editor-in-Chief/Visiting Professor at University College Cork



John H.T. Luong is Distinguished Research Scientist and the Head of Nanobiotechnology and Biosensor Technology at the National Research Council Canada and a Walton fellow (Science Foundation of Ireland), Department of Chemistry at University College Cork, Ireland. He was the Head of Biomedical Engineering Division of Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. He has published over 260 research papers and 10 patents. He obtained his PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering-Biochemical Engineering from McGill University in 1978. He has received several awards for his contribution to various research areas such as nanobiotechnology, biosensor technology, separation science, and biochemical engineering. He has served as an editorial member and Guest Editor of several journals. He has received over 6300 citations with an h-index of 43. To date, he has supervised over 30 post-doctoral fellows and PhD students.


  • PhD McGill University (1976 — 1979)


  • Visiting Professor Bar-Ilan University (2016)
  • Scientist,Walton Fellow, Professor, and Editor-in-Chief University College Cork, Ireland (UCC) (2007)
  • Visiting Professor, University College Cork, Ireland University College Cork (2007)
  • Visiting Professor University College Cork (2007)
  • Visiting Professor Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie, Université de Lille (2017 — 2017)
  • Visiting Professor National University of Singapore (2011 — 2011)
  • Professor and Division Head Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2006 — 2006)
  • Adjunct Professor University of Waterloo (2001 — 2004)
  • Research Engineer John Labatt Ltd-Corporate Research (1979 — 1983)

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