John Abowd

Edmund Ezra Day Professor of Economics at ILR School


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John M. Abowd is the Edmund Ezra Day Professor of Economics, Professor of Statistics and Information Science at Cornell University. He is also Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER, Cambridge, MA), Research Affiliate at the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST, Paris, France), Research Fellow at the Institute for Labor Economics (IZA, Bonn, Germany), and Research Fellow at IAB (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg, Germany). Abowd is the Director of the Labor Dynamics Institute (LDI) at Cornell. He is the President (2014-2015) and Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists. He is past Chair (2013) of the Business and Economic Statistics Section and Fellow of the American Statistical Association. He is an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. Abowd is a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He serves as a Distinguished Senior Research Fellow at the United States Census Bureau (1998-2015). He is also currently serving on the National Academies’ Committee on National Statistics (2010- 2016) and on the American Economic Association’s Committee on Economic Statistics. He served as Director of the Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER) from 1999 to 2007.

Teaching Statement

Prof. Abowd teaches graduate students in economics, statistics, information science, and other social sciences in his course on understanding social and economic data, which was developed with support from the National Science Foundation.

Research Statement

Prof. Abowd has taught and done research at Cornell University since 1987, including seven years on the faculty of the Johnson Graduate School of Management. His current research and many activities of the Labor Dynamics Institute focus on the creation, dissemination, privacy protection, and use of linked, longitudinal data on employees and employers. In his work at the Census Bureau he provides scientific leadership for the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program, which produces research and public-use data integrating censuses, demographic surveys, economic surveys, and administrative data. The LEHD Program’s public use data products include the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (, the most detailed time series data produced on the demographic characteristics of local labor markets and OnTheMap (, a user-driven mapping tool for studying work-related commuting patterns. His original and ongoing research on integrated labor market data is done in collaboration with the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), the French national statistical institute. Prof. Abowd’s other research interests include network models for integrated labor market data; statistical methods for confidentiality protection of micro-data; international comparisons of labor market outcomes; executive compensation with a focus on international comparisons; bargaining and other wage-setting institutions; and the econometric tools of labor market analysis. Prof. Abowd is currently the Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator for multiyear grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. He has published articles in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, the Journal of Econometrics, and other major economics and statistics journals. Prof. Abowd served on the faculty at Princeton University, the University of Chicago, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before coming to Cornell. When he is not traveling for his research program, he enjoys polishing his French, touring wine country and riding his bike.


Journal Articles

  • John Abowd. . How Will Statistical Agencies Operate When All Data Are Private?, Journal of Private Equity . 7(3).
  • John Abowd, Kevin L McKinney, Nellie Zhao. . Earnings Inequality and Mobility Trends in the United States: Nationally Representative Estimates from Longitudinally Linked Employer-Employee Dat, Journal of Labor Economics . forthcoming
  • John Abowd, Kevin L McKinney, Ian M Schmutte. . Modeling Endogenous Mobility in Earnings Determination, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . forthcoming
  • John Abowd, Kevin L McKinney. 2016. Noise Infusion as a Confidentiality Protection Measure for Graph-based Statistics, Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics . 32(1):127-135. (DOI:10.3233/SJI-160958)
  • John Abowd, Ian M Schmutte. 2015. Economic Analysis and Statistical Disclosure Limitation, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity . 2015(Spring):221-267.
  • Matthew J. Schneider, John Abowd. 2015. A New Method for Protecting Interrelated Time Series with Bayesian Prior Distributions and Synthetic Data, Journal of the Royal Statsitical Society, Series A . (DOI:10.1111/rssa.12100)
  • John Abowd, Martha Stinson. 2013. Estimating Measurement Error in Annual Job Earnings: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data, Review of Economics and Statistics . 95(5):1451-1467. (DOI:10.1162/REST_a_00352)
  • Carl Lagoze, William C Block, Jeremy Williams, John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2013. Data Management of Confidential Data, International Journal of Digital Curation . 8(1):265-278. (DOI:10.2218/ijdc.v8i1.259)
  • John Abowd, Matthew J Schneider, Lars Vilhuber. 2013. Differential Privacy Applications to Bayesian and Linear Mixed Model Estimation, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 5(1):Art. 4.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Paul Lengermann, Kevin L McKinney, Sébastien Roux. 2012. Persistent Inter-Industry Wage Differences: Rent Sharing and Opportunity Costs, IZA Journal of Labor Economics . 1(1):25. (DOI:10.1186/2193-8997-1-7)
  • John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber, William C Block. 2012. A Proposed Solution to the Archiving and Curation of Confidential Scientific Inputs, Privacy in Statistical Databases . LNCS 7556:216–225. (DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33627-0_17)
  • John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2012. Did the Housing Price Bubble Clobber Local Labor Markets When It Burst?, American Economic Review . 102(3):589-93. (DOI:10.1257/aer.102.3.589)
  • Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd. 2011. Science, Confidentiality, and the Public Interest, Chance . 24(3):5.
  • Satkartar K Kinney, Jerome P Reiter, Arnold P Reznek, Javier Miranda, Ron S Jarmin, John Abowd. 2011. Towards Unrestricted Public Use Business Micro-data: The Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database, International Statistical Review . 79(2):362-84. (DOI:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2011.00153.x)
  • John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2011. National Estimates of Gross Employment and Job Flows from the Quarterly Workforce Indicators with Demographic and Industry Detail, Journal of Econometrics . 161:82-99.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Sébastien Roux. 2006. Heterogeneity in Firms’ Wages and Mobility Policies, Structural Models of Wage and Employment Dynamics . 237-268.
  • John Abowd, J Domingo-Ferrer, V Torra. 2006. Using Mahalanobis Distance-Based Record Linkage for Disclosure Risk Assessment, Privacy in Statistical Databases . 233-242.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Sébastien Roux. 2006. Wages, Mobility and Firm Performance: Advantages and Insights from Using Matched Worker-Firm Data, Economic Journal . 116:F245-F285.
  • John Abowd, John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, Julia Lane, Paul Lengermann, Kristin McCue, Kevin McKinney, Kristin Sandusky. 2005. The Relation among Human Capital, Productivity and Market Value: Building Up from Micro Evidence, Measuring Capital in the New Economy . Chapter 5, pp. 153-198.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 2005. Human Capital and Worker Productivity: Direct Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique . 79/80:323-338.
  • John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2005. The Sensitivity of Economic Statistics to Coding Errors in Personal Identifiers, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . 23(2):133-152.
  • John Abowd, Simon Woodcock. 2004. Multiply-Imputing Confidential Characteristics and File Links in Longitudinal Linked Data, Privacy in Statistical Databases PSD2004 . 290-297.
  • John Abowd, Julia Lane. 2004. New Approaches to Confidentiality Protection: Synthetic Data, Remote Access and Research Data Centers, Privacy in Statistical Databases PSD2004 . 282-289.
  • John Abowd, John Haltiwanger, Julia Lane. 2004. Integrated Longitudinal Employee-Employer Data for the United States, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings . 94(2):224-229.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 2003. The Costs of Hiring and Separations, Labour Economics . 10(5):499-530.
  • John Abowd, Orley Ashenfelter. 2002. Using Price Indices and Sale Rates to Assess Short Run Changes in the Market for Impressionist and Contemporary Paintings, The Economics of Art Auctions .
  • John Abowd. 2002. Unlocking the Information in Integrated Social Data, New Zealand Economic Papers . 36(1):9-31.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Bruno Crépon. 2001. Moment Estimation with Attrition: An Application to Economic Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association . 96(456):1223-1231.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, David Margolis, Kenneth Troske. 2001. The Relative Importance of Employer and Employee Effects on Compensation: A Comparison of France and the United States, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies . 15(4):419-436.
  • John Abowd, Simon Woodcock. 2001. Disclosure Limitation in Longitudinal Linked Data, Confidentiality, Disclosure, and Data Access: Theory and Practial Applications for Statistical Agencies . 215-277.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, David Margolis, Kenneth Troske. 2000. Politiques salariales et performances des enterprises : une comparaison France/Etats-Unis, Economie et Statistique . (332-333):27-38.
  • John Abowd, David Kaplan. 1999. Executive Compensation: Six Questions that Need Answering, Journal of Economic Perspectives . 13:145-168.
  • John Abowd, Hampton Finer, Francis Kramarz. 1999. Individual and Firm Heterogeneity in Compensation: An Analysis of Matched Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data for the State of Washington, The Creation and Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data . 3-24.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Thomas Lemieux, David Margolis. 1999. Minimum Wages and Youth Employment in France and the United States, Youth Unemployment and Employment in Advanced Countries . 427-472.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1999. The Analysis of Labor Markets Using Matched Employer-Employee Data, Handbook of Labor Economics . 3B(Chapter 40):2629-2710.
  • John Abowd, Patrick Corbel, Francis Kramarz. 1999. The Entry and Exit of Workers and the Growth of Employment: An Analysis of French Establishments, Review of Economics and Statistics . 81(2):170-187.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1999. Econometric Analysis of Linked Employer-Employee Data, Labour Economics . 53-74.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, David Margolis. 1999. High Wage Workers and High Wage Firms, Econometrica . 67(2):251-333.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1998. Internal and External Labor Markets: An Analysis of Matched Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data, Labor Statistics and Measurement Issues . 357-370.
  • John Abowd. 1998. Rapporteur comments: International Symposium on Linked Employer-Employee Data, Econometric Issues, Monthly Labor Review . 121(7):52-53.
  • John Abowd. 1997. Discussion of ''How much do immigration and trade affect labor market outcomes'' by Geroge J. Borjas, Richard B. Freeman and Lawrence F. Katz, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity . 1997(1):76-82.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1996. The Economic Analysis of Compensation Systems: Collective and Individual, Job Creation and Loss: Analysis, Policy and Data Development . 47-54.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, David Margolis, Kenneth Troske. 1996. The Relative Importance of Employer and Employee Effects on Compensation: A Comparison of France and the United States, Comparaisons internationales de salaires . 315-327.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1996. Les Politiques Salariales : Individus et Entreprises, Revue Economique . 47:611-622.
  • John Abowd, Laurence Allain. 1996. Compensation Structure and Product Market Competition, Annales d''économie et de statistique . (41/42):207-217.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Antoine Moreau. 1996. Product Quality and Worker Quality, Annales d''économie et de statistique . (41/42):300-322.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1996. The Microeconometrics of Human Resource Management: International Studies of Firm Practices, Introduction and Overview, Annales d''économie et de statistique . (41/42):1-9 (French), 11-19 (English).
  • John Abowd, Michael Bognanno. 1995. International Differences in Executive and Managerial Compensation, Differences and Changes in Wage Structures . 67-103.
  • John Abowd. 1994. Discussion of Gross Worker and Job Flows in Europe by M. Burda and C. Wyplosz, European Economic Review . 38(6):1316-1320.
  • John Abowd, Francis Kramarz. 1993. A Test of Negotiation and Incentive Compensation Models Using Longitudinal French Enterprise Data, Labour Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation . 111-146.
  • John Abowd, Thomas Lemieux. 1993. The Effects of Product Market Competition on Collective Bargaining Agreements: The Case of Foreign Competition in Canada, Quarterly Journal of Economics . 108:983-1014.
  • John Abowd. 1990. Discussion of ''The Quality Dimension in Army Retention'' by Charles Brown, The Carnegie-Rochester Conference on Public Policy . 33:257-261.
  • John Abowd. 1990. Does Performance-based Compensation Affect Corporate Performance?, Industrial and Labor Relations Review . 43(3):52S-73S.
  • John Abowd, George Milkovich, John Hannon. 1990. The Effects of Human Resource Management Decisions on Shareholder Value, Industrial and Labor Relations Review . 43(3):203S-236S.
  • John Abowd. 1989. The Effect of Wage Bargains on the Stock Market Value of the Firm, American Economic Review . 79(4):774-800.
  • John Abowd, Joseph Tracy. 1989. Market Structure, Strike Activity, and Union Wage Settlements, Industrial Relations . 57(2):227-250.
  • John Abowd, David Card. 1989. On the Covariance Structure of Earnings and Hours Changes, Econometrica . 57(2):411-445.
  • John Abowd, Wayne Vroman. 1988. Disaggregated Wage Developments, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity . 1988(1):313-346.
  • John Abowd, David Card. 1987. Intertemporal Labor Supply and Long Term Employment Contracts, American Economic Review . 77(1):50-68.
  • John Abowd, Ross Stolzenberg, Roseann Giarusso. 1986. Abandoning the Myth of the Modern MBA Student, Selections The Magazine of the Graduate Management Admission Council . 9-21.
  • John Abowd, Mark Killingsworth. 1985. Employment, Wages, and Earnings of Hispanics in the Federal and Nonfederal Sectors: Methodological Issues and Their Empirical Consequences, Hispanics in the U.S. Economy . 77-125.
  • John Abowd, Arnold Zellner. 1985. Estimating Gross Labor Force Flows, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . 254-283.
  • John Abowd, Mark Killingsworth. 1984. Do Minority/White Unemployment Differences Really Exist, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . 2:64-72.
  • John Abowd, Mark Killingsworth. 1983. Sex Discrimination, Atrophy and the Male-Female Wage Differential, Industrial Relations . 22:387-402.
  • John Abowd, Henry Farber. 1982. Job Queues and the Union Status of Workers, Industrial and Labor Relations Review . 35:354-367.
  • John Abowd. 1981. An Econometric Model of Higher Education, Managing Higher Education: Economic Perspectives . 1-56.
  • John Abowd, Orley Ashenfelter. 1981. Anticipated Unemployment, Temporary Layoffs and Compensating Wage Differentials, Studies in Labor Markets . 141-170.
  • John Abowd, T James Trussell. 1980. Teenage Mothers, Labor Force Participation, and Wage Rates, Canadian Studies in Population . 33-48.
  • John Abowd, Charles Mulvey. 1980. Estimating the Union/Nonunion Wage Differential: A Statistical Issue, Economica . 47:73-79.

Book Chapters

  • Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd, Fredrik Andersson, Kevin L McKinney, Marc Roemer, Bryce E Stephens, Simon Woodcock. 2009. The LEHD Infrastructure Files and the Creation of the Quarterly Workforce Indicators. in Producer Dynamics: New Evidence from Micro Data. University of Chicago Press, 2009. Timothy Dunne, J Bradford Jensen, Mark J Roberts.
  • Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd, Kevin L McKinney. 2009. The link between human capital, mass layoffs, and firm deaths. in Producer Dynamics: New Evidence from Micro Data. University of Chicago Press, 2009. Timothy Dunne, J Bradford Jensen, Mark J Roberts.
  • John Abowd, John Haltiwanger, Julia Lane. 2008. Wage Structure and Labor Mobility in the United States. in Wage Structure, Raises, and Mobility: International Comparisons of the Structure of Wages within and Across Firms. Chicago, IL, United States: University of Chicago Press for the NBER, 2008. E. P. Lazear and K. L. Shaw. (81-100)
  • John Abowd, Richard Freeman. 1991. The Internationalization of the U.S. Labor Market. in Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market. Chicago IL, United States: NBER, 1991. John M Abowd, Richard B Freeman. (29-34)
  • John Abowd. 1988. Discussion of ''Public Sector Union Growth and Bargaining Laws: A Proportional Hazards Approach with Time-Varying Treatments'' by c. Ichniowski. in Public Sector Unionism. Chicago IL, United States: University of Chicago Press for the NBER, 1988. Richard B Freeman.
  • John Abowd. 1988. Immigration, Trade, and Labor Markets in Australia and Canada. in Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market. Cambridge MA, United States: NBER, 1988. Richard B Freeman. (29-34)

Conference Proceedings

  • Samuel Haney, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, John Abowd, Matthew Graham, Mark Kutzbach, Lars Vilhuber. 2017. Utility Cost of Formal Privacy for Releasing National Employer-Employee Statistics. SIGMOD 2017, 2017. (Accepted)
  • John Abowd, Kaj Gittings, Kevin L. McKinney, Bryce E. Stephens, Lars Vilhuber, Simon Woodcock. 2012. Dynamically Consistent Noise Infusion and Partially Synthetic Data As Confidentiality Protection Measures for Related Time-series. in 2012 Research Conference. Washington, DC, United States: Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology, 2012. (40)
  • John Abowd, Matthew J Schneider. 2011. An Application of Differentially Private Linear Mixed Modeling. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2011. (614-619)
  • John Abowd, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Daniel Kifer, Johannes Gehrke, Lars Vilhuber. 2008. Privacy: Theory Meets Practice on the Map. International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2008. (277-286)
  • Lars Vilhuber, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Daniel Kifer, John Abowd, Johannes Gehrke. 2008. Privacy: Theory Meets Practice on the Map. International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2008.
  • Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd. 2008. How Protective Are Synthetic Data. in Privacy in Statistical Databases: Proceedings of the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy International Conference PSD2008. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008. (239-246)
  • John Abowd, Julia Lane, Ron Prevost. 2000. Design and Conceptual Issues in Realizing Analytical Enhancements through Data Linkages of Employer and Employee Data. in Proceedings of the Federal Committee on Statistical Metholology. 2000.
  • John Abowd, Thomas Lemieux. 1991. The Effects of International Competition on Collective Bargaining Outcomes: A Comparison of the United States and Canada. in Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market. Chicago IL, United States: NBER, 1991. John M Abowd, Richard B Freeman. (343-367)
  • John Abowd. 1991. The NBER Trade and Immigration Data Files. in Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market. Chicago IL, United States: NBER, 1991. John M Abowd, Richard B Freeman. (407-421)
  • John Abowd, Arnold Zellner. 1985. Application of Adjustment Techniques to U.S. Gross Flow Data. in Gross Flows in Labor Force Statistics. Washington, DC, United States: GPO, 1985. Paul Flaim, Carma Hogue.
  • John Abowd. 1985. New Development in Longitudinal Data Collection for Labor Market Analysis: Collective Bargaining Data. in American Statistical Association 1985 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section. Washington, DC, United States: ASA, 1985.
  • John Abowd. 1984. Economic and Statistical Analysis of Discrimination in Job Assignment. in Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meetings. Madison WI, United States: IRRA, 1984. (34-47)
  • John Abowd, Arnold Zellner. 1983. Estimating Gross Labor Force Flows. in American Statistical Association 1983 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section. Washington, DC, United States: ASA, 1983. (162-167)

Professional Activities

  • Usage and outcomes from a validation server: Experience with the Cornell Synthetic Data Server. Presented to International Statistical Institute. Marrakech, Morocco. 2017.
  • The Modern Approach to Data Privacy. Presented to United States Census Bureau. Washington, DC. 2016.
  • Private Data. Presented to American Economic Association. San Francisco, CA. 2016.
  • Labor Market Measurement in the 21st Century. Presented to Xiamen University Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics. Xiamen, China. 2015.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Shanghai, China. 2015.
  • Formal Privacy Protection for Data Products Combining Individual and Employer Frames. Presented to NSF-Census Research Network. Washington, DC. 2015.
  • Formal Privacy Protection for Data Products Combining Individual and Employer Frames. Presented to Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology. Washington, DC. 2015.
  • Total Variability Measures for Selected Quarterly Workforce Indicators and LEHD Origin Destination Employment Statistics in OnTheMap. Presented to Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology. Washington, DC. 2015.
  • Overview of Confidentiality and Privacy Issues at the Census Bureau. Presented to U.S. Census Bureau, MIT Program on Information Science. Cambridge, MA. 2015.
  • Earnings Inequality Trends in the United States: Nationally Representative Estimates from Longitudinally Linked Employer-Employee Data. Presented to National Bureau of Economic Research. Stanford, CA. 2015.
  • Revisiting the Economics of Privacy: Population Statistics and Confidentiality Protection as Public Goods. Presented to Temple University, Department of Economics. Philiadelphia, PA. 2015.
  • Synthetic Data Servers As Data Improvement and Access Mechanisms. Presented to Multiple. Istanbul, Turkey. 2015.
  • Formal privacy protection for data products combining individual and employer frames1. Presented to UNECE. Helsinki, Finland. 2015.
  • Revisiting the Economics of Privacy: Population Statistics and Confidentiality Protection as Public Goods. Presented to Econometric Society. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2015.
  • Noise Infusion as a Confidentiality Protection Measure for Graph-based Statistics. Presented to International Statistical Institute. Rio de Janeiro. 2015.
  • Privacy, Confidentiality and Data Analysis in Labor Economics. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2015.
  • Economic Analysis and Statistical Disclosure Limitation. Presented to Brookings Institution. Washington, DC. 2015.
  • Revisiting the Economics of Privacy: Population Statistics and Confidentiality Protection as Public Goods. Presented to NSF-Census Research Network. Delivered via teleconference to NCRN sites. 2015.
  • Economics of Confidentiality II. Presented to University of Nevada-Reno. Reno, NV. 2015.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to University of Nevada-Reno. Reno, NV. 2015.
  • Economics of Confidentiality I. Presented to University of Nevada-Reno. Reno, NV. 2015.
  • Where Have All the (Good) Jobs Gone?. Presented to University of California-Irvine. Irvine, CA. 2015.
  • Where Have All the (Good) Jobs Gone?. Presented to Cornell Club of New York. New York, NY. 2015.
  • Where Have All the (Good) Jobs Gone?. Presented to University of California-San Diego. San Diego, CA. 2014.
  • Analyzing Income Inequality in the U.S. Using Longitudinally Linked Employer-Employee Data. Presented to National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.. Cambridge, MA. 2014.
  • Where Have All the (Good) Jobs Gone?. Presented to University of California-Santa Barbera. Santa Barbera, CA. 2014.
  • Where Have All the (Good) Jobs Gone?. Presented to Census Bureau, LEHD Program. Washington, DC. 2014.
  • The Structure and Dynamics of U.S> Labor Market Networks. Presented to American Statistical Association. Boston, MA. 2014.
  • Synthetic Data at the U.S. Census Bureau. Presented to Mitre. McLean, VA. 2014.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to INSEAD. Fontainebleau, France. 2014.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor). Bonn, Germany. 2014.
  • Discussion of "Employment and Labor Outcomes" by Dan Black and Lowell Taylor. Presented to National Science Foundation. Washington, DC . 2014.
  • Presidential Address: Where Have All the (Good) Jobs Gone?. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Alexandria, VA. 2014.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to Washington University Department of Economics. St. Louis, MO. 2014.
  • Overview of Synthetic SIPP Data. Presented to Duke NCRN Node. Durham, NC. 2014.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to University of Wisconsin Department of Economics. Madison, WI. 2013.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. 2013.
  • Synthetic Establishment Data: Origins and Introduction to Current Research. Presented to International Statistical Institute. Hong Kong. 2013.
  • Economic Outlook Luncheon. Presented to American Statistical Association. Montreal, QC. 2013.
  • Data Management of Confidential Data. Presented to ASA. Montreal. 2013.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique. Paris, France. 2013.
  • Host and organizer. Presented to Cornell University CDI Node (Labor Dynamics Institute). Ithaca, NY. 2013.
  • Research Report. Presented to NSF-Census Research Network. Durham, NC. 2013.
  • Improved Research Access to Census Bureau Linked Administrative Data via Public-use Products. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Boston, MA. 2013.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to Temple University. Philadelphia, PA. 2013.
  • Assessing the Natural Rate of Unemployment. Presented to Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Boston, MA. 2013.
  • Education, Flows and the Great Recession in the United States. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Chicago, IL. 2012.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER). San Francisco, CA. 2012.
  • Endogenous Mobility. Presented to University of California-Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. 2012.
  • Testimony. Presented to U.S. House of Representatives: Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade. Washington, DC. 2012.
  • Statistical Challenges from Large-scale Integrated Record Systems. Presented to Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. 2012.
  • A (Sophisticated) User’s Guide to Public-Use Census Data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program. Presented to Cornell Population Center. Ithaca, NY. 2012.
  • Disclosure Avoidance Through Noise Infusion and Synthetic Data: The Case of the Quarterly Workforce Indicators. Presented to Federal Committe on Statistical Methodology. Washington, DC. 2012.
  • Did the Housing Price Bubble Clobber Local Labor Market Job and Worker Flows When It Burst?. Presented to American Economic Association. Chicago, IL. 2012.
  • The Cornell NCRN Node: Overview. Presented to U.S. Census Bureau, National Science Foundation. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • Research Access Roundtable. Presented to U.S. Census Bureau, NORC at the University of Chicago. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • World Markets and Local Markets: Using Integrated Employer-Employee Data for the United States to Study the Effects of Globalization on Local Labor Markets. Presented to International Statistical Institute. Dublin, Ireland. 2011.
  • Network Models of Endogenous Mobility. Presented to CEF.UP (Center for Economics and Finance) and NIPE (Economic Policies Research Unit), Portugal. Porto, Portugal. 2011.
  • The Creation and Use of Matched Employer-Employee Data. Presented to Renmin University. Beijing, China. 2011.
  • National Estimates of Gross Employment and Job Flows from the Quarterly Workforce Indicators with Education Detail . Presented to Banco de Portugal. Porto, Portugal. 2011.
  • Science, Confidentiality, and the Public Interest. Presented to Institut fur Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung (IAB). Nuremberg, Germany. 2011.
  • Discussion of Eric Brynjolfsson “Nanodata and Nowcasting: Some implications of technology-driven non-governmental data collection”. Presented to National Academies'' Committee on National Statistics. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • Analysis and Protection of Longitudinally Integrated Employer-Employee Data. Presented to National Academies'' Committee on National Statistics. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • How Important is Endogenous Mobility for Measuring Employer and Employee Heterogeneity?. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2011.
  • The US Statistical System (in German). Presented to Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Nürnberg, Germany. 2011.
  • Motivations, Challenges, and Implications for Responsible Data Sharing. Presented to NORC/University of Chicago. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • : Formal Privacy Guarantees and Analytical Validity of OnTheMap Public-use Data. Presented to NSF, US Census, IRS, Cornell University. Washington, DC. 2010.
  • National Estimates of Gross Employment and Job Flows from the Quarterly Workforce Indicators with Demographic and Industry Detail . Presented to Society of Labor Economics. London, UK. 2010.
  • Social Science Gateway. Presented to CISER. Ithaca, NY. 2009.
  • Older Workers’ Geographic Mobility and Retirement . Presented to Society of Labor Economics. Boston, MA. 2009.

Honors and Awards

  • Fellow, Econometric Society.
  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute.
  • Julius Shiskin Award, Business & Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association. 2016
  • President, Society of Labor Economists. 2015
  • Excellence in Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Award. 2015
  • Roger Herriot Award, American Statistical Association, Government and Social Statistics Sections. 2014
  • President-elect, Society of Labor Economists. 2014
  • Chair, Business & Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association. 2013
  • First Vice-President, Society of Labor Economists. 2013
  • Chair-elect, Business & Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association. 2012
  • Second Vice-President, Society of Labor Economists. 2012
  • Fellow, American Statistical Association. 2009
  • Fellow, Society of Labor Economists. 2006
  • Fellowship for research at the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), French Government. 1991
  • National Institute of Mental Health postdoctoral fellow, NORC. 1978
  • National Institute of Mental Health pre-doctoral fellow, University of Chicago. 1973

### Areas of Expertise

Compensation and Employee Benefits

Distance and Online Learning


Executive compensation

Human capital measurement

Information systems

International and Comparative Workplace Studies

Labor Economics

Labor force composition and market trends

Labor market statistics

Statistical Theory, Methods, Analysis

Survey Research

Theory and models

Wage differentials and inequality

Wage systems, gainsharing, and incentives

Other Areas of Expertise

Longitudinal Employer and Household Labor Market Data, International Comparisons of Compensation and Employment Systems, Economics of Labor Marker Analysis

Read about executive education

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