Joanne Gardner Le Gars
Assistant Professor at Rennes School of Business
- Rennes School of Business
Rennes School of Business
- Research methods (Bachelor & Master level)
- Lean Six Sigma, Agile project management (Bachelor & Master level)
- Qualification for section 6 (management sciences), Conseil National des Universités (CNU) – 2020 campaign (Qualification N° 20206346450)
- PhD in Science and Technology Studies & environmental risk governance, University of Exeter, UK Business School & Biosciences Dpt., (2018) – (financed by AstraZeneca)
- Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE), UK (2015)
- Master 2 Research in the domain of Management Sciences, University of Western Brittany, IAE Brest , (2012) – (course undertaken in parallel with full-time work)
- Project Management Professional Certification Program, Project Management Institute (2006)
- Certificate in Investment Management, UK Society of Investment Professionals, (2005)
- Executive MBA (Master in Business Administration), London Business School , (2003)- (financed by JPMorgan,& undertaken in parallel with a full-time job)
- Master (MSc) Management of Intellectual Property , University College London – (financed by a ‘Herchel-Smith’ scholarship), (1998)
- Bachelor of Science (BSc Hons) – Natural Sciences, University of Bath, UK, (1997)
Research Interests
- Risk governance: development of tools to analyse the effectiveness and legitimacy of EU environmental technical risk appraisal processes for complex risks. Analysis of the social acceptability of the use of AI for non-hedonistic type decision processes.
- Organisational resilience: i) the incidence of decision-making modes & changes to organizational boundaries for resilience activation in crises, ii) the dynamic relationship between employee & organisational level resilience, iii) Exploring synergies & tensions between resilience and sustainability goals, vi) knowledge transfer via the conception of resilience serious games (to achieve resilience 2.0 in business, organisational and educational contexts)
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, Management and Organisation Academic area, Rennes School of Business (September 2021 – Present)
- Researcher/part-time Lecturer (IMT Atlantique, University of Western Brittany (France)
- Partner in the ÉCHOS project with B-COM (Institut de recherche technologique de Rennes) (2020-2021)
- Founder and manager – RheSys Research project (Resilient of Higher Education Systems)
- Post-doctoral researcher (Organizational Resilience), Ecole Navale (France) (2018 – 2020)
- PhD researcher (Environmental Risk Governance), AstraZeneca & University of Exeter (UK) (2014 – 2018)
- European Project Manager (Phypode Project – Marie Curie – ITN – FP7, 3,7 M€), University of Western Brittany (France) (2010-2014)
- Strategy & Business Development Manager – Turkish, Polish and Jordanian markets, Dubai World (United Arab Emirates & Turkey) (2007-2009)
- Program Manager – Government technology projects – health care sector (£170M), General Electric, (UK) (2005-2007)
- Assistant Vice President: Technology Project Manager, JPMorgan Chase (Global Financial Services), (London, UK) (1999 –2005)
- Intellectual Property Advisor, Marks & Clerk Patent & Trademark (UK) (1998-1999)
Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Proceedings
- Gardner Le Gars J. (2023). Performance impacts of intra-organizational and extra-organizational boundary changes during crisis events: the case of the 2011 Fukushima Dai Ichi nuclear power plant accident. British Academy of Management 2023 Conference, September 2023, University of Sussex, UK. (upcoming)
- Waldeck R., Gardner Le Gars J. (2023). Implementing resilience learning capacities into serious business games. 54th ISAGA Conference (International Simulation & Gaming Conference), July 2023, La Rochelle, France. Doi: tba
- Gardner Le Gars J., Simonin J., Waldeck R., Puentes, J. (2023). A dual perspective of organizational resilience (OR) and information technology systems resilience (ITSR): an analysis of interdependencies and tensions. CABMR colloquium ‘Resilience and Cybersecurity’. March 2023. Paris, France. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 6: e107704.
- Gardner Le Gars J., Waldeck R. (2022). A context-free framework for designing resilient serious games Rencontres. Jeux & Enjeux, June 2022, Lille, France. hal-03763472v1
- Gardner Le Gars, J (2020), The influence of organizational boundaries on the effectiveness of emergent response groups during extreme situations. 11th EURAM (European Academy of Management), EECC, Huddersfield, R.U.
- Gardner Le Gars, J (2019), Advancing understanding of differences in the plasticity of four boundary concepts; efficiency, power, competence, and identity, on resilience capacity for extreme, risk events, 3rd International AGORAS Conference, Cité des Congrès, Nantes, 2019
- Gardner Le Gars, J., Le Bris, S., Martin, D.P., (2019), Decision-making under uncertainty in the context of time pressure and critical irreversibility: Bridging heuristics and Meta rules, 35th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), Colloquium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2019
- Gardner Le Gars, J., Owen, R., & Tyler, C.R., (2017), Science Based Policy Development for ‘Wicked’ Environmental Concerns – Exploring the Issues, Assumptions and Levers for Improvement, SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) UK Symposium, The Oxford Union, Oxford, UK, 2017
- Isabelle Dangeard et Jo Gardner Le Gars (2012), La vision de l’avenir implicite des systèmes d’indicateurs de développement durable : le cas des territoires français, 7e congrès du RIODD (Réseau Internationale de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable), Nantes, France, 2012
Conference Presentations
- Gardner Le Gars, J., (2019), Leadership and Weak Signals in Extreme Contexts, Journée scientifique de la chaire Résilience et Leadership, Ecole Navale, France, 2019
- Gardner Le Gars, J., Owen, R., & Tyler, C.R. (2016), Science Based Policy-Making : Legitimacy & Effectiveness Trade-offs, A Framework to Evaluate Environmental Risk Governance, SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 26th Annual Meeting in Nantes, France, 2016
- Gardner Le Gars, J., Richard Owen, Jason Snape & Charles R. Tyler, (2015), Effective Environmental Risk Policy-making – What is it & How may we Evaluate it? Global Symposium, AstraZeneca, Manchester, UK (2015)
- Gardner Le Gars, J., (2015), An application of input legitimacy theory to European environmental risk governance policy decisions employing deliberative procedures: a case study of pharmaceutical oestrogens in the environment, ExeBioCon Annual PGR Conference, Exeter, UK, 2015
Refereeing: journals & conferences
- Reviewer (since November 2019) for the Journal of Management Decision
- Reviewer for the British Academy of Management 2023 Conference
- Reviewer for the 54th ISAGA Conference (International Simulation & Gaming Conference)
Research Collaborations
- POLLEN: Co-Principal investigator: prospective study with b<>com (Institut de recherche technologique de Rennes) to develop a model to evaluate the social acceptability & risks of algorithmic (AI-driven) decision-making (completion target – Q4 2025) (financed under the Rethinking Tomorrow’s Organization research center of Rennes School of Business)
- DECART project: Co-Principal investigator – WP2: a mixed methods study to deliver knowledge and tools to help educational leaders to enhance the resilience of higher education insitutions in today’s increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous) context (financed under EU cooperation partnership, reference 22022-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000087657 (target completion – Q4 2025),
- ECHOS project: Co-Principal investigator – WP2: a prospective study with b<>com (Institut de recherche technologique de Rennes) that examines mechanisms apt to favor the creation of sustainable digital futures. The main WP2 deliverables comprise a novel resilience serious game algorithm and design of a multi-stage resilience awareness workshop. (project financed under the Future Investments Program of the French National Research Agency (grant number: ANR-07-A0-AIRT) (completion foreseen in Q4 2023),
- RheSys Project – Resilient Higher Education Systems: a mixed methods study, with Roger Waldeck (IMT Atlantique), Dinuka Herath (Huddersfield Business School), Laura Calvet Liñan & Pr Josep Cobarsí Morales (Open University of Catalonia) and Macarena Lopez-Fernandez (Universidad de Cádiz). The project (analysis ongoing) examines factors influencing employee and organizational resilience following the first wave of the Covid-19 crisis in Spanish Higher Education Institutions in particular.
- The Covid-19 Museum project: co-founder of the project with researchers in the university of Paris-Saclay, Descartes, & Sorbonne (Pr Yves Rozenholc, Pr Juliette Vion Dury, Pr Elisabeth Belmas, Pr Christophe Cérin, Pr Xavier Coumoul, Pr Marie Christophe Boissier, Pr Gérard Ben Arrous et Dr Christine Keribin). The project aimed to unite in an open way, collections of any digital trace related to the pandemic, to offer the possibility to analyze this data in a reproducible way and to protect it – as a common good.
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