Jennie Cottle

Graduate Course Lecturer, Adjunct Faculty at Sciences Po


  • Sciences Po



Sciences Po

Jennie Cottle works at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs where she manages the Global Public Policy Network, International and Dual Degree Programs and the Management and Public Affairs Policy Stream for the Master in Public Policy and European Affairs. In this capacity, she has launched and implemented the international joint Sustainable Development Goals Certificate with three other leading universities in public policy from around the world. Prior to this, she worked as a Sustainability Analyst in Paris on topics related to corporate management of environmental, social and governance issues. She has also worked for the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum in New York, a think tank dedicated to research and capacity building for the United Nations, and as the International Programs Coordinator for a local NGO in Montevideo, Uruguay, creating local community development programs.

Jennie is currently pursuing her PhD in Political Science at the Institut des Hautes Etudes d’Amérique Latine (IHEAL). She also holds a Master’s degree in International Security, with concentrations in Human Rights and Latin America, from Sciences Po and a BA from the University of California Berkeley in Peace and Conflict Studies.

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