Jeffrey Cohen
Adjunct Lecturer of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Kellogg School of Management
professor - accounting department at Carroll School of Management
Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut
- Kellogg School of Management
- Carroll School of Management
- UCONN - University of Connecticut
Kellogg School of Management
Jeffrey Cohen is an independent software engineer and entrepreneur, exploring the art and science of beginner-focused technical education. His primary interest is in the intersection of business development with computer programming. Jeffrey developed the curriculum and materials for the web development courses at Kellogg (KIEI-924 and KIEI-925) and won a Faculty Impact award for Spring Quarter, 2016.
Jeffrey is the cofounder of Go Learn To Code, and was previously the Founding Instructor of The Starter League in Chicago. He is also a Lecturer at the University of Chicago in the Masters Program in Computer Science. Jeffrey co-authored the book Ruby on Rails for .NET Developers published by Pragmatic Press in 2008. He likes to speak at a variety of technical conferences throughout the year. Jeffrey has worked with object-oriented programming languages and application frameworks for more than 20 years. In 2008, he started Purple Workshops, conducting beginner-level workshops in Ruby, Rails, and agile software techniques.
Finally, Jeffrey believes in the business value of agile software strategies, project-based learning, and opening the world of computer programming to folks from all walks of life, by curating an inclusive, beginner friendly classroom culture and curriculum.
Education Bachelor of Science, 1992, School of Speech, Northwestern University
Academic Positions Lecturer, Computer Science, The University of Chicago, 2013-present
Other Professional Experience Chief Instructor, The Starter League, 2011-2014
Sr. Software Engineer and Lead Developer, Leapfrog Online, 2006-2011
Lead Developer, Crate&Barrel, 2003-2006
Sr. Software Developer, InstallShield Software, 1998-2003
Lead Developer, SSIS, 1997-1998
Software Developer, Med-E Systems, 1995-1997
Software Developer, IRI, 1994-1995
Software Developer, American Theological Library Association, 1992-1994
Education Academic Positions Other Professional Experience
Carroll School of Management
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
M.B.A., Columbia University
B.A., Bar Ilan University (Israel)
Dr. Jeffrey Cohen''s major research streams are in the areas of corporate governance, auditor independence, corporate social responsibility and in accounting and business ethics. His work is behavioral based using controlled experiments, surveys, and interviews. His teaching interests focus on auditing, management and cost accounting, and strategic cost management.
He believes that our distinctive competency as educators is to create a culture where we constantly raise questions. As Tolstoy once wrote, "The only thing that we can know, is that we know nothing and that is the highest flight of reason."
- Past Senior Editor and Consulting Editor, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
- Editor: Contemporary Accounting Research
- 2017 Outstanding Auditing Educator Award. Presented by the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association.
- 2016 Best paper in BRIA (Behavioral Research in Accounting). “Nonfinancial Information Preferences of Investment Professionals” Behavioral Research in Accounting. (Fall 2015), pp. 127-153.
- 2014 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award. “Will Women Lead the Way? Differences in Demand for Corporate Social Responsibility Information for Investment Decisions.” Winner of the 2014 best paper award for the American Accounting Association on Work/Family issues.
- 2012 Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award for the American Accounting Association''s Auditing Section.
- 2011 Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award for the American Accounting Association’s Auditing Section.
- 2009 Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award for the American Accounting Association’s Auditing Section.
- 2007 KPMG Mentoring Award for the American Accounting Association’s Gender Issues Section.
- 2005 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award. “Is it the Kids or the Schedule? The Incremental Effect of Families and Flexible Scheduling on Perceived Career Success,” (with E. Almer and L. Single). Winner of the 2005 best paper award for the American Accounting Association on Work/Family issues.
- "Enterprise Risk Management and the Financial Reporting Process: The Experiences of Audit Committee Members, CFOs, and External Auditors" (with G. Krishnamoorthy and A. Wright). Contemporary Accounting Research. (Forthcoming).
- “Media Bias and the Persistence of an Expectation Gap: An Analysis of Press Articles on Corporate Fraud,” (with Y. Ding, C. Lesage and H. Stolowy). Journal of Business Ethics. (Forthcoming).
- “A Further Examination of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance On Investment Decisions,” (with L. Holder-Webb and S. Khalil). Journal of Business Ethics. (Forthcoming).
- “CSR Investment Level as a Fairness Heuristic on Investors’ Judgments,” (with H. Brown-Liburd and T. Zamora). Journal of Business Ethics. (Forthcoming).
- "Do Compensation Committee Members Perceive Changing CEO Incentive Performance Targets Mid-Cycle to be Fair?" (with A. Wilkins and D. Hermanson). Journal of Business Ethics. (2016), 623-638.
- “Nonfinancial Information Preferences of Investment Professionals” (with L. Holder-Webb and T. Zamora). Behavioral Research in Accounting. (Fall 2015), pp. 127-153. Winner of the 2016 award for best paper in BRIA.“CSR and Assurance Services: A Research Agenda” (with R. Simnett). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. (February 2015), pp. 59-74.
- “Contextual and Individual Dimensions of Taxpayer Decision Making,” (with G. Manzon and T. Zamora). Journal of Business Ethics. (February 2015), pp.631-647.
- “An Examination of CEO Social Ties and CEO Reputation on Judgments about CEO Compensation,” (with S. Kaplan and Janet Samuels). Journal of Business Ethics. (January 2015), pp. 103-117.
- “Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Gender Discrimination in Public Accounting and Corporate Organizations,” (with D. Dalton, N. Harp and J. McMillan). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. (August 2014), pp. 1-32. “The Effect of Audit Committee Industry Expertise on Monitoring the Financial Reporting Process,” (with U. Hoitah, G. Krishnamoorthy and A. Wright). The Accounting Review. (January 2014), 243-273.
- “Will Women Lead the Way? Differences in Demand for Corporate Social Responsibility Information for Investment Decisions,” (with L. Holder-Webb and L. Nath). Journal of Business Ethics. (November 2013), pp. 85-102.
- “How Does the Strength of the Financial Regulatory Regime Influence Auditors’ Judgments to Constrain Aggressive Reporting in a Principles-Based and a Rules-Based Accounting Environment,” (with G. Krishnamoorthy, M. Peytcheva and A. Wright). Accounting Horizons. (September 2013), pp.579-601.
- “Effects of Earnings Forecast and Heightened Professional Skepticism on the Outcomes of Client-Auditor Negotiation,” (with H. Brown-Liburd and G. Trompeter). Journal of Business Ethics. (2013, Vol. 116, issue 2), pp. 311-325.
- “A Call for Academic Inquiry: Challenges and Opportunities from the PCAOB Synthesis Projects,” (with W. R. Knechel). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. (Supplement 2013), pp. 1-5.
- “The Effectiveness of SOX regulation: An Interview Study of Corporate Directors,” (with C. Hayes, G. Krishnamoorthy, G. Monroe and A. Wright). Behavioral Research in Accounting. (Spring 2013), pp.61-89.
- “Audit Committee Compensation, Fairness and the Resolution of Accounting Disagreements, “(with J. Bierstaker, D. Hermanson and T. DeZoort). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. (May 2012), pp.131-150.
- “The Cut and Paste Society: Isomorphism in Codes of Ethics,” (with L. Holder-Webb). Journal of Business Ethics. (June, 2012), pp. 485-509.
- “Discretionary Corporate Reporting of Non-Financial Performance Metrics” (with L. Holder-Webb, D. Wood and L. Nath). Accounting Horizons. (March 2012), pp. 65-90.
- “The Impact of CEO Influence and Management Incentives on Auditor Judgments,” (with L. Gaynor, G. Krishnamoorthy and A. Wright). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. (November, 2011), pp. 129-147.
- “Perceptions of Retail Investors of the Decision-usefulness of Non-financial Information,” (with L. Holder-Webb, D. Wood and L. Nath). Behavioral Research in Accounting (Vol 23, No. 1, 2011), pp. 109-129.
- “Auditor Resignation and Firm Ownership Structure,” (with S. Khalil and G. Trompeter). Accounting Horizons. (December 2010) 703-728.
- “Client Engagement Risks and the Auditor Search Period,” (with S. Khalil and K. Schwartz). Accounting Horizons. (December 2010), pp. 685-702.
- “The Role of Managers’ Behavior in Corporate Fraud,” (with Y. Ding, C. Lesage and H. Stolowy). Journal of Business Ethics (Vol 95, Supplement 2, 2010), pp. 271-315.
- “Auditors’ Experiences of Corporate Governance in the Post-Sarbanes Oxley Era," (with G. Krishnamoorthy and A. Wright). Contemporary Accounting Research. (Fall 2010), pp. 751-786.
He is currently an Editor at Contemporary Accounting Research and a Consulting Editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. He has previously served as both Senior Editor and Editor at Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory and an Associate Editor at Accounting Horizons and for two terms at Issues in Accounting Education. He also ran the 2014 Doctoral Consortium for the Auditing section of the American Accounting Association.
UCONN - University of Connecticut
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Maryland at College Park, December 1998
- M.A. in Economics, University of Toronto, Canada, June 1993
- B.S. in Quantitative Economics, Tufts University, May 1992
Jeffrey P. Cohen is the Kinnard Scholar in Real Estate, and a Professor of Finance at UCONN’s Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies, and the School of Business. He is also currently a Research Fellow, Institute for Economic Equity, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. From 2001-2020 he had been a frequent visiting scholar with the research division of the St. Louis Fed. Professor Cohen has been a visiting researcher at the RWI-Leibnitz Institute for Economic Research in Essen, Germany since 2017. In January 2020, he was appointed as a Fellow with the Homer Hoyt Institute for Real Estate and Land Economics.
Professor Cohen’s current research interests include transit oriented development; whether the real estate wealth associated with highway construction has been distributed equitably across residents; the impact of airports and airport noise on commercial and residential property values; equitable approaches to property taxation; land value estimation; housing price spillovers across jurisdictions; and the relationships between substance use treatment provider operating costs and urban economic issues (such as transit and affordable housing). Among approximately 50 peer-reviewed journal publications, he has published his research in several top journals, including: Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Real Estate Economics, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, and others.
He has previous teaching experience at Tufts University, the University of Maryland at College Park, and the University of Hartford. Professor Cohen has also worked full-time at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as part of an award from the National Academies; and has been a Fellow with, and a seminar organizer for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. He also has previous full-time employment experience in the private sector as a Senior Economist at Standard and Poor’s.
Professor Cohen was recently awarded a $500,000 grant (as the Principal Investigator) from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Systems for Action, to study how transit impacts the operating costs of substance abuse treatment providers, equitable treatment outcomes, and the potential implications for aligning these systems.
Professor Cohen is currently the Principal Investigator on the Phase 2 grant from the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transit Administration, on the property value impacts of a bus rapid transit line (called CTfastrak). He was also the PI on Phase 1 of this project, which was completed in 2017. Watch a video about Phase 1 of this project here and read the report for Phase 1 of this project here. He was also recently the Co-Principal Investigator on a grant from the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, and the Connecticut Department of Transportation, on sustainability strategies to minimize the carbon footprint for Connecticut bus operations.
He was recently the Principal Investigator on Phase 1 of a grant from the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration, on how the new commuter rail line (called the Hartford Line) connecting New Haven, Hartford, and Springfield MA, impacts real estate in neighborhoods near the stations.
In 2017, Professor Cohen received the Distinguished Member Award from the Transportation and Public Utilities Group, of the Allied Social Sciences Association (the national association for economists in the U.S.); other past awardees have included two Nobel Laureates in Economics (Daniel McFadden and William Vickrey).
At UCONN, Professor Cohen teaches courses in Real Estate Finance (undergraduate); Principles of Real Estate (undergraduate); and Real Estate Capital Markets (MBA level). He also interacts with the local real estate community, students, and alumni through activities of the UCONN Center for Real Estate.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications and Research In-Progress:
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- Cohen, J., Barr, J.M., Kim, E. Storm Surges, Informational Shocks, and the Price of Urban Real Estate: An Application to the Case of Hurricane Sandy. Forthcoming in Regional Science and Urban Economics.
- Clapp, J., Cohen, J., and Lindenthal, T. Are Estimates of Rapid Growth in Urban Land Values
- an Artifact of the Land Residual Model? Forthcoming in Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
- Friedt, F. and Cohen, J. Valuation of Noise Pollution and Abatement Policy: Evidence from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Forthcoming in Land Economics.
- Cohen, J. and Harding, J. The Impact of Investors on Housing Values and Markets: The Case of Denver, Colorado. Forthcoming in Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
- Cohen, J., Zabel, J. 2020. Local House Price Diffusion. Real Estate Economics, 48(3), 710-743.
- Cohen, J., Coughlin, C., and Zabel, J. 2020. Time-Geographically Weighted Regressions and Residential Property Value Assessment. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 60: 134-154.
- Cohen, J., & LaCour-Little, M. 2020. New Perspectives on Real Estate Valuation. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 60(1-2), 1-2.
- Wang, C., Cohen, J. & Glascock, J. 2019. Geographic Proximity and Competition for Scarce Capital: Evidence from U.S. REITs. International Real Estate Review 22(4): 535-570.
- Cohen, J., Coughlin, C., and Crews, J. 2019. Traffic Noise in Georgia: Sound Levels and Inequality. Journal of Housing Economics 44: 150-165.
- Wang, C., Cohen, J. & Glascock, J. 2019. Geographically Overlapping Real Estate Assets, Liquidity Spillovers, and Liquidity Multiplier Effects. Accepted February 2019, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
- Cohen, J., Yang, K., Danko, J. 2019. Proximity to a Water Supply Reservoir and Dams: Is There Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects on Housing Prices? Journal of Housing Economics 43: 14-22.
- Cohen, J. and M. Brown. 2017. Does a New Rail Rapid Transit Line Announcement Affect Various Commercial Property Prices Differently? Regional Science and Urban Economics 66: 74-90.
- Cohen, J., Fedele, M.J. 2017. Where in Connecticut is the Best Location for a Split Tax? An Analysis of Land Assessment Equity in Several Cities. Buildings 7(4) 108: 1-19.
- Cohen, J., Fedele, M.J. 2017. Connecticut’s Land Value Taxation Public Act: Who Would Bear the Burden? Journal of Real Estate Research, 39(1): 39-63.
- Cohen, J. P., Coughlin, C. C., & Clapp, J. M. 2017. “Local Polynomial Regressions versus OLS for Generating Location Value Estimates: Which is More Efficient in Out-of-Sample Forecasts?,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 54(3), 365-385. Earlier version: Working Papers 2015-14, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Cohen, J. and P. Checko. 2017. Too Big, Too Small, or Just Right? Cost-Efficiency of Environmental Inspection Services in Connecticut. Health Services Research 52(S2): 2285-2306.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. and Coughlin, Cletus C. and Yao, Vincent W. 2016. Sales of Distressed Residential Property: What Have We Learned from Recent Research? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Vol. 98, Issue 3, pp. 159-88, 2016.
- Jeffrey Cohen & Yannis M. Ioannides & Win (Wirathip) Thanapisitikul, 2016. “Spatial Effects and House Price Dynamics in the U.S.A,” Journal of Housing Economics 31, 1-13.
- Cohen, J., Cromley, R. G., Banach, K. T. 2015. Are Homes Near Water Bodies and Wetlands Worth More or Less? An Analysis of Housing Prices in One Connecticut Town. Growth and Change, 46(1): 114-132.
- Eloff, J., Cohen, J. 2015. Airport Infrastructure Investment: Strategic Interaction or Strategic Allocation? Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, vol. 2471.
- Barr, Jason & Cohen, Jeffrey P., 2014. “The floor area ratio gradient: New York City, 1890–2009,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 110-119.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Osleeb, Jeffrey P. & Yang, Ke, 2014. “Semi-parametric regression models and economies of scale in the presence of an endogenous variable,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 252-261.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Coughlin, Cletus C. & Lopez, David A., 2012. “The boom and bust of U.S. housing prices from various geographic perspectives,” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue Sep, pages 341-368.
- Kiku Ichihara & Jeffrey Cohen, 2011. “New York City property values: what is the impact of green roofs on rental pricing?,” Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 4(1), pages 21-30, March.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2010. “Response To “Spatial Multipliers In Hedonic Analysis: A Comment On ‘Spatial Hedonic Models Of Airport Noise, Proximity, And Housing Prices’ ”,” Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 50(5), pages 999-1000, December.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P., 2010. “The broader effects of transportation infrastructure: Spatial econometrics and productivity approaches,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, vol. 46(3), pages 317-326, May.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2009. “Changing Noise Levels and Housing Prices Near the Atlanta Airport,” Growth and Change, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 40(2), pages 287-313.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin & Lesli S. Ott, 2009. “Auctions as a vehicle to reduce airport delays and achieve value capture,” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue Nov, pages 569-588.
- Jeffrey Cohen & Kristen Monaco, 2009. “Inter-county spillovers in California’s ports and roads infrastructure: the impact on retail trade,” Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 2(2), pages 77-84, October.
- Jeffrey Cohen & Kristen Monaco, 2008. “Ports and Highways Infrastructure,” International Regional Science Review, vol. 31(3), pages 257-274, July.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2008. “Spatial Hedonic Models Of Airport Noise, Proximity, And Housing Prices,” Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 48(5), pages 859-878.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Morrison Paul, Catherine, 2008. “Agglomeration and Cost Economies for Washington State Hospital Services,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 38(6), pages 553-564, November.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Catherine Morrison Paul, 2007. “The Impacts Of Transportation Infrastructure On Property Values: A Higher-Order Spatial Econometrics Approach,” Journal of Regional Science, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 47(3), pages 457-478.
- Jeffrey Cohen, 2006. “The impacts of education spending and finance reform on manufacturing property shadow values: a cost function approach,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, Springer, vol. 26(2), pages 181-190, October.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Paul, Catherine J. Morrison, 2005. “Agglomeration economies and industry location decisions: the impacts of spatial and industrial spillovers,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 35(3), pages 215-237, May.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2005. “An introduction to two-rate taxation of land and buildings,” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue May, pages 359-374.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Catherine J. Morrison Paul, 2004. “Public Infrastructure Investment, Interstate Spatial Spillovers, and Manufacturing Costs,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 86(2), pages 551-560, May.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Morrison Paul, Catherine J., 2003. “Airport infrastructure spillovers in a network system,” Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(3), pages 459-473, November.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2003. “Congestion at airports: the economics of airport expansions,” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue May, pages 9-26.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Catherine J. Morrison Paul, 2003. “Spatial and supply/demand agglomeration economies: State- and industry-linkages in the U.S. food system,” Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 28(4), pages 733-751, November.
- Cletus C. Coughlin & Jeffrey P. Cohen & Sarosh R. Khan, 2002. “Aviation security and terrorism: a review of the economic issues,” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, issue Sep, pages 9-24.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen, 2002. “Reciprocal State and Local Airport Spending Spillovers and Symmetric Responses to Cuts and Increases in Federal Airport Grants,” Public Finance Review, , vol. 30(1), pages 41-55, January.
Research in Progress/Under Review
- Cohen, J., Friedt, F., and Lautier, J. The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on New York City Real Estate: First Evidence.
- Cohen, J., Ling, D., Naranjo, A., and Wang, C. REIT Asset Locations, Investment Commonality, and The q-Theory.
- Cohen, J., Ioannides, Y. International and Intercity Trade, and Housing Prices in U.S. Cities.
- Cohen, J. and Yang, K. Data “Missing at Random” in Real Estate Applications: A New Spatial Dependence Approach.
- Cohen, J., Coughlin, C., Crews, J, and Soques, D. Regional Housing Vacancy: Theory and Empirics.
- Cohen, J., Coughlin, C., Crews, J, and Ross, S.L. The Closing of a Major Airport: Immediate and Longer-Term Housing Market Effects.
- Cohen, J., Coughlin, C., and Soques, D. House Price Growth Interdependencies and Comovement.
- Breidenbach, P., Cohen, J., and Schaffner, S. Continuation of Air Services at Berlin-Tegel Airport and its Effects on Rental Prices.
- Cohen, J. and Schaffner, S. New German Highway Infrastructure and the Impacts on Residential Real Estate Prices.
- Friedt, F. and Cohen, J. Perception vs. Reality: The Noise Complaint Effect on Home Values.
- Fuess, R., Cohen, J., and Lautier, J. Single-Family Home Investor Ownership and Contagion Effects.
Other Working Papers
- Cohen, J., Coughlin, C., and Crews, J. 2017. Airport Noise in Atlanta: The Inequality of Sound. Working Papers 2017-015, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Coughlin, Cletus C. & Clapp, John M., 2014. “Semi-Parametric Interpolations of Residential Location Values: Using Housing Price Data to Generate Balanced Panels,” Working Papers 2014-50, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2009. “Spatial heterogeneity and the geographic distribution of airport noise,” Working Papers 2009-058, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2008. “Airport-related noise, proximity, and housing prices in Atlanta,” Working Papers 2005-060, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen, 2007. “Economic Benefits of Investments in Transport Infrastructure,” OECD/ITF Joint Transport Research Centre Discussion Papers 2007/13, OECD Publishing.
- Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin, 2006. “Spatial hedonic models of airport noise, proximity, and housing prices,” Working Papers 2006-026, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Cletus C. Coughlin & Jeffrey P. Cohen & Sarosh R. Khan, 2002. “Aviation security and terrorism: a review of the economic issues,” Working Papers 2002-009, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
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