Jean Zeng

Assistant Professor of Accounting at National University of Singapore


  • National University of Singapore



National University of Singapore

I am an assistant professor of Accounting at the National University of Singapore, NUS Business School. I obtained my Ph.D. in Accounting from Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.

My research interest broadly lies in the area of Capital Markets Research. Related to this, my Job market paper documents that managers of public firms gain private information about who is buying and selling their firm’s stock and exploit it for personal gains. My other working paper documents that sophisticated investors gain an information advantage over retail investors on alternative data such as satellite imagery of parking lot traffic.


  • Assistant Professor National University of Singapore (2020)
  • PHD Candidate, Accounting University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business (2014 — 2020)
  • Associate KPMG US (2013 — 2014)

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