Jean-Sébastien Lacam

Associate professor of corporate strategy and management at Management School ESSCA


  • Management School ESSCA



Management School ESSCA

Former business executive, graduate in Economic Intelligence (University of Toulouse I – 2002) and Marketing (Toulouse Business School – 2005) then doctor in management sciences (CEREGE IAE Poitiers – 2015), Jean-Sébastien Lacam is a specialist in collaborative and digital strategies deployed by large and small companies in the nautical, automotive and high-tech industries.

Since 2016, he has been responsible for various communications and research articles on cooperation strategies, economic intelligence and SME datafication. Its academic activity is also reflected in his status as a member of the International Association of Strategic Management (AIMS) and the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).

As a professor at ESSCA, he is interested, on the one hand, in the place of strategy in the organization and, on the other hand, in the evolution and limits of contemporary managerial policies. His teaching is aimed at both the first and last years of the Grande Ecole Programme (PGE).

Finally, it is through his participation in the drafting of sectoral publications (example: White Paper “Connected Vehicles in the Digital Age”) and his facilitation of interventions (conferences, workshops, interviews, etc.) that Jean-Sébastien Lacam is involved in a process of transmitting the contributions of his research to both private and public actors.

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