James Howell

The Theodore J. Kreps Professor of Economics, Emeritus at Stanford Graduate School of Business


  • Stanford Graduate School of Business



Stanford Graduate School of Business

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, Yale University, 1955
  • MA, University of Illinois, 1951
  • AB, Fresno State College, 1950

Academic Appointments

  • At Stanford University since 1958. Emeritus since 1997.
  • Visiting Professor, Stanford-in-Germany and Humboldt University (Berlin), 1995
  • Visiting Professor, London Business School, 1992
  • Business School Trust Faculty Fellow, 1991-1992
  • Visiting Professor, Stanford-in-Austria, 1987
  • Director-General and Senior Research Fellow, International Institute of Management Science Center (Berlin), 1970-1972
  • variously Associate Dean, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Director, Stanford Executive Program and Stanford-INSEAD Program
  • National Science Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, London School of Economics, 1963-1964
  • Visiting Research Professor, University of Hawaii, 1961
  • Ford Foundation Faculty Fellow, Harvard University, 1959-1960
  • Lecturer, UC Berkeley, 1958
  • Lecturer, UC Berkeley, 1956
  • Instructor, Yale University,1954-1956

Professional Experience

  • Staff Member, Program in Economic Development and Administration, Ford Foundation, 1956-1959

Awards and Honors

  • First recipient of the Robert T. Davis Faculty Award for lifetime achievement, Stanford Business School, 1996


Other Teaching

Stanford Executive Program

Read about executive education

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