Itzhak Venezia
Professor of Finance at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Ph.D. University of California-Berkeley, 1973
- "An Optimal Tax Incentive Scheme for a Decentralized Multi-Product Firm,"Management Science,22, 1976, 1034-1042.
- "Are Defense Budgets Too Large?"Public Finance, 31, 1976, 406-413.
- "Optimal Policies of Stage Construction for Transportation Facilities Under Uncertainty," TransportationResearch, 11, 1977, 377-384.
- "On the Aggregation Across Subjects in Analyzing Individual Choice Behavior," Journalof Mathematical Psychology, 16, 1977, 60-67 (with Z Shapira).
- "The Effects of Type of Forecasting and Aggregation Procedure on the Accuracy of Managerial Manpower Predictions," BehavioralScience, 23, 1978, 187-194.
- "A Decision-Theoretic Approach to the Aggregation Problems in the Pre-Data-Collection Stage,"Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73, 1978, 552-558.
- "The Optimal Duration of Growth Investments and Search,"Journal of Business, 52, 1979, 393-407 (with M. Brenner).
- "A Mean-Variance Approach to the Optimal Machine Maintenance and Replacement Problem,"Operational Research Quarterly, 30, 1979, 466-477 (with C. Tapiero).
- "On the Theory of the Competitive Firm with Utility Defined on Profits and Regret,"European Economic Review, 12, 1979, 292-303 (with J. Paroush).
- "Optimal Insurance Premium Rates When the Distribution of Claims is Unknown,Journal of Applied Probability, 16, 1979, 678-84.
- "The Optimal Frequency of Information Purchases,"European Journal of Operations Research 4, 1980, 118-123.
- "Optimal Aggregation of Input-Output Coefficients - A Decision Theoretic Approach,"Communications in Statistics,19, 1980, 557-570.
- "Optimal Claims in Automobile Insurance,"Review of Economic Studies, 47, 1980, 539-549.
- "Adaptive Credit Granting Policies,"Journal of Banking and Finance, 4, 1980, 269-281.
- "The Effect of Increased Variance on the Duration of Search: A Note,"Journal of Economic Theory, 23,1980, 127-129.
- "How Similar are the Different Results?"Quality and Quantity, 14, 1980, 727-742 (with Z. Maimon and J. Lingoes).
- "The Effect of Increased Risk on the Expected Proceeds and Sale Strategy of a Machine," OperationalResearch Quarterly, 31, 1980, 839-844.
- "Optimal Stopping in Non Stationary Series,"Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 27, 1981, 32-45 (with Z. Shapira).
- "The Covariance Structure of Sequential Forecasts Obtained by Regression Analysis," Journalof Statistical Planning and Inference, 5, 1981, 121-132.
- "Optimal Sequencing of Capacity Expansion Projects Under Uncertainty,"RAIRO - Operations Research, 16, 1982, 287-307.
- "On the Adequacy of Government Budgets,"Atlantic Economic Journal, 10, 1982, 6-11 (with J. Paroush).
- "The Effects of Inflation and Taxes on Growth Investments and Replacement Policies,"The Journal of Finance, 38, 1983, 1519-1528 (with M. Brenner).
- "A Bayesian Approach to the Optimal Growth Period Problem: A Note,"The Journal of Finance, 38, 1983, 237-246.
- "Optimal Multi-Period Insurance Contracts,"Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2, 1983, 199-208 (with H. Levy).
- "Aspects of Optimal Automobile Insurance,"Journal of Risk and Insurance, 51, 1983, 63-79.
- "Determinants of Management Styles in Business and Non-Business Organizations,"Journal of Applied Psychology, 69, 1984, 437-447 (with G. Chitayat).
- "Optimal Investments in Market Research,"European Journal of Operations Research, 18,1984, 198-207.
- "On the Statistical Origins of the Learning Curve,"European Journal of Operations Research, 19, 1985, 191-200.
- "Learning and Manufacturing Reliability," Proceedings ofProduction Systems: Scientific, Economic, Strategic ApproachConference INRIA: Centre de Rockuencourt, 1985, 21-30.
- "Partial Exercise of Loan Commitments Under Adaptive Pricing,"The Journal of Financial Research,8, 1985, 251-263 (with S. Greenbaum).
- "On the Economic Advantages of the Coinsurance Clause,"The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 55, 1988, 307-314.
- "Tying Whole Life and Savings Decisions: A Multi-Period Expected Utility Approach," Studiesof Banking and Finance, 6, 1988, 193-229.
- "Leadership styles of Senior Executives in Business and Government Organizations: A Comparative Study,"South African Journal of Business Management, 19, 1988, 68-74 (with G. Chitayat).
- "Equilibrium Pricing Under the Bank-Client Relationship,"Journal of Banking and Finance,13, 1989, 221-235 (with Greenbaum and Kanatas).
- "Earnings Information and the Determination of Dividend Policy,"Journal of Economics and Business, 1991,43,197-214 (with S. Bar Yosef).
- "Loan Commitments and the Management of Uncertain Credit Demand,"The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics,4, 1991, 351-366 (with Greenbaum and Kanatas).
- "Tie-in of Life Insurance and Savings, an Economic Rationale,"Journal of Risk and Insurance,58, 1991, 383-396.
- "Size and Frequency of Prizes as Determinants of the demand for Lotteries,"Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 52, 1992, 307-318 (with Z. Shapira).
- "Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: A Note,"TheJournal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, 7, 1992, 241-250 (with E. Berkovitch).
- "The structure of Prizes in Lotteries and its Effect on the Demand: Theory and Findings from the Israeli Lottery Market.Economics Quarterly, 40, 1993, 215-228 (Hebrew, with Z. Shapira).
- "The Determinants of Bond Call Premia: A Signaling Approach,"Journal of Financial Services Research, 8, 1994, 243-256 (with E. Schwartz).
- "The LIFO/FIFO Choice as a Signal of Future Costs,Journal of Management Accounting Research, 7, 1995, 52-65 (with S. Bar-Yosef and P. Hughes).
- The Velocity Puzzle Revisited: The Effects of the Housing and Stock Markets,Journal of Economics and Business1996, 48, 23-32 (with M. Levi, and Y. Zhang).
- "Exclusive vs. Independent Agents: A Separating Equilibrium Approach,"The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1999, 40, 443-456 (With Dan Galai and Zur Shapira).
- "Experimental Tests of Self Selection and Screening in Insurance Decisions,"The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, 1999, 24, 139-158(with Zur Shapira).
- "Patterns of Behavior of Professionally Managed and Independent Investors,Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 25 (8). p 1573-87, August 2001 (with Zur Shapira).
- Comparative Exploration of Behavior and Profitability of Professionally Managed and Independent Investors, Forthcoming,The Israeli Quarterly Journal of Economics (Hebrew)2002 (with Zur Shapira).
- "The Implications of Standard SFAS 131 on Segment Reporting on the informativeness of Financial Statements, Forthcoming,The Accounting Journal(Israel) , 2002, (with Sasson Bar-Yosef).
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