Harry Timmermans
Professor at Department of Built Environments at Eindhoven University of Technology
- Department of Built Environments at Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Built Environments at Eindhoven University of Technology
Harry Timmermans is Professor of Urban Planning at the TU/e. Research activities of his multidisciplinary group concern the development and application of innovative models and ICT tools for urban planning and transportation. Several projects relate to innovative ICT apps, smart cities and urban transportation. He has been awarded prestigious grants, and won many (best paper) awards with his PhD students. He serves on many TRB and WCTR Committees, including the Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy committee. He has co-authored more than 500 publications in urban planning, transportation, artificial intelligence, marketing, and environmental psychology. Recently, he accepted several invitations to join national and international committees on smart cities and smart mobility.
- D65000 - Urban and rural planning
- D14400 - Civil engineering, building technology
- 4GC20 Design project smart mobility design (Mede-docent)
- 5AMA0 Auto mobility (Mede-docent)
- 7CC10 Research proposal (Mede-docent)
- 7M834 Advanced techniques for urban modelling and planning (Verantwoordelijk docent)
- 7U545 Master project REMD (Mede-docent)
- 7W230 Urban plans (Mede-docent)
- 7W320 Research methods (Mede-docent)
- 7W7X0 Urban Planning (Mede-docent)
- 7Z45M0 Graduation Project Urban Systems & Real Estate (Verantwoordelijk docent)
- 7ZW4M0 Built environment and smart mobility (Mede-docent)
Part 6 Timmermans Rule-based or Econometric Methods UNSW rCITI
Part 2 Timmermans Introduction to Activity Based Modelling UNSW rCITI
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