Harris Beider

Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs (part-time) at School of International and Public Affairs


  • School of International and Public Affairs



School of International and Public Affairs

Professor  Harris Beider has been Professor in Community Cohesion at Coventry University since January 2008. Previously he was Senior Fellow at the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of Birmingham. Between 1997-2001, Harris was Executive Director of the Federation of Black Housing Organizations (a network of over 150 black led housing and community organizations). Here he was involved in national policy making on race and housing issues working with government and housing associations. In addition, Harris managed a national project on Racist victimization in the UK sponsored by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. His main research interests are focused on issues of race, identity, civic participation and public policy. To this end, Harris has led national projects funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as well as international projects supported by the Rockefeller Foundation (USA) and Daiwa Foundation (Japan). He has just completed a project on grassroots alliances between different communities for the Open Society Foundations, which will be launched at the Houses of Parliament in Spring 2014. He is part of the leadership team for the proposed Trust, Transformations and Peace Research Centre and co-Director of the new city-university initiative. Harris has published nationally and internationally including two books, more than 40 articles and guest editor for peer review journals. His research have also appeared in The Guardian, The Independent and The Huffington Post and discussed on the BBC TV and Radio as well as being cited in Parliamentary reports. Harris is regularly invited to speak about his research in the US, Europe and Asia including policy and academic gatherings held at the Urban Institute, University of Chicago and Columbia University in the United States, Sciences Po in France and Nagoya University in Japan He has been advisor to the UK government (being a member of the Social Exclusion Unit Policy Action Team under the Blair government), a member of the ESRC National Peer Review College and member of the Poverty Strategy Group at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. His new publications include White working class voices: multiculturalism, community-building and change (2014: Bristol: Policy Press/ University of Chicago Press), Community Cohesion: views of white working class communities (2011: York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation) and Race, Housing and Community: perspectives on policy and practice (2012: Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell). Harris was born in Karachi, Pakistan and moved with his family to England as a small child. He grew up and was educated in inner city Birmingham. 



  • Beider, H (2015)  White working class voices: multiculturalism, community-building and change. Bristol: Policy Press/ University of Chicago Press
  • Beider, H (2012)  Housing, Race and Community. Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell
  • Beider, H (2011) White working-class views of neighbourhood, cohesion and change. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Beider, H (ed.) (2007) Housing Markets and Neighbourhood Renewal: Community Engagement in the US and UK. Oxford: Blackwell

Journal articles, chapters

  • Beider, H (2012) ‘Ethnicity and Housing Organisations’ in Smith, S. (ed.) The International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home.  Newcastle, Elsevier Press
  • Beider, H (2012) ''Community Cohesion in the UK: National Challenges, Local Issues'' in Dick, E et al (eds.) Integration in Germany: Nomos publishing (in German)
  • Beider, H (ed.) (2011) Comparative approaches to integration and multiculturalism in Japan and the UK. Japan Foundation, London internet publication
  • Beider, H (2011) ''Integration on the local level in the UK, Spain and Germany''
  • Interview in Special Issue RaumPlanung „City and Migration(s)“, April 2011 (in German()
  • Beider, H & Netto, G (2011) ''Minority ethnic communities and housing: access, experiences and participation'' in Craig, G., Chattoo, S. and Atkin, K.(eds.), Understanding ''Race'' and Ethnicity''. Bristol: Policy Press
  • Beider, H (2010) ''Community Cohesion in the UK: national challenges, local problems'' in KWI  Policy Papers. KWI: Essen, Germany
  • Beider, H (2010) Community Cohesion in the UK: National Challenges, Local Issues Paper presented to the Ruhr 2010 Conference, Duisburg 30 September
  • Beider, H (2010) ''Identities: Fluid and Fixed'' in Office for Public Management Future of Identity and Belonging. London: OPM
  • Beider, H (2010) ''Developing Cohesive Neighbourhoods in UK Cities: The Perspective of Minority White Communities'' Paper presented to  ENHR Conference, Istanbul 4-7 July 2010
  • Beider, H (2010) ''The Declining Significance of Housing and Race: Reviewing the Housing Corporation Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Policy''. Paper presented to Housing: Next 20 Years Conference, CCHPR, Kings College, Cambridge University  16-17 September
  • Beider, H., Popkin, S., and Levy, D (2010) Comparative approaches to race and renewal in US and UK. Chicago: MacArthur Foundation
  • Beider, H  & Briggs, R (2010)  Promoting Community Cohesion and Preventing Violent Extremism in HE and FE . London: DIUS
  • Beider, H (ed.) (2009)  Guest editor special issue of Housing Studies on Rethinking Race and Residence
  • Beider, H (2009) ''Introduction'' in special issue of Housing Studies on Rethinking Race and Residence
  • Beider, H (2008) ''Micro cohesion within super diversity: ‘race’ and contested spaces'' Paper presented to ESRC Conference: Encounters and Intersections 9-11 July 2008
  • Mullins, D. , Goodson, L., Beider, H., and Jones, P., (2008) Better together: The final Accommodate evaluation report. London: HACT
  • Beider, H (2007)‘Similar problems, different solutions: ‘Race’, Housing and Renewal in the UK and US’ Turner, M, Popkin, P and Rawlings, L. The Legacy of Racial Discrimination and Segregation in Public Housing. Washington D.C.: Urban Institute Press
  • Beider, H (2007) ‘Introduction’ in Beider, H (ed.) (2007) Housing Markets and Neighbourhood Renewal: Community Engagement in the US and UK. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Beider, H (2007) ‘The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Community Development Corporations and Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Associations’ in Beider, H (ed.) Housing Markets and Neighbourhood Renewal: Community Engagement in the US and UK. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Beider, H (2007) ‘Towards a New Policy Agenda’ in Beider, H (ed.) Housing Markets and Neighbourhood Renewal: Community Engagement in the US and UK. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Beider, H., Joseph, R., Ferrari, E. (2007) Report to North East Assembly: BME Housing Issues, CURS, University of Birmingham
  • Beider, H (2006) ‘Race, Housing and Representation:  Towards new approaches for inclusion and empowerment’ Paper to be presented to ENHR Conference, Ljubljana 30 June to 5 July 2006
  • Beider, H (with Goodson, L) (2006) BME Communities in the Eastern Corridor: Aspirations, Neighbourhood ''choice'' and Tenure. Birmingham, Birmingham City Council
  • Beider, H (2005) ''Housing, Social Capital and Integration'' Paper presented to ENHR Conference Reykjavik, 29 June -3 July 2005
  • Beider, H (2005) Housing, Neighbourhoods and Race. York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Beider, H (with Mullins, D & Rowlands, R) (2004) Empowering communities, improving housing: involving black and minority ethnic tenants and communities. London: ODPM
  • Beider, H (2004) ‘The Rise  and Fall (and Rise) of Community Development Corporations and Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Associations’Paper presented to ‘Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities in the US and UK’ Symposium, 30 June/ 1 July 2004, University of Birmingham
  • Beider, H  (2004) ''Race'', Housing and Communities in the UK: Towards a New Policy Agenda'' Seminar given October 2004, Urban Institute, Washington DC
  • Beider H and Mullins D (2003)‘Becoming part of the picture: A major piece of research is investigating the role of ethnic minority tenants in key decisions such as stock transfer’ in  Inside Housing pp. 22-24
  • Beider, H (2003) Race’, Housing and Change in the UK- Lessons from America’, Seminar given October 2003‘Center for Ethnicity and Race, Columbia University, New York City
  • Beider, H (2003) ‘Learning from the US - Community Development Corporations and Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Associations’ Paper presented to Housing Studies Association Spring Conference, 15-16 April 2003


  • PhD, University of Birmingham
  • BA, University of Warwick

Harris Beider discussed his research on the white working class in the United Kingdom.

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