Harold Horell

Associate Professor of Religious Education at Fordham University


  • Fordham University



Fordham University


Dr. Horell’s research focuses on the history, foundations, and contemporary practice of religious and moral education.


  • CADE Certification. (Competency Assessment in Distributed Education Online Program in Online Course Development and Teaching.) JesuitNet, Fall 2005
  • Ph.D. Theology and Education. Boston College - Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, Chesnut Hill, Massachusetts, 1997
  • M.T.S. Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988
  • M.A. Philosophy. University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, 1984, Philosophy
  • B.A. Philosophy and Political Science Double Major. University of Dayton, 1981

Selected Publications

“The Imagination of REA/APPRRE” Religious Education 111:4 (2016): 349-365.

“Thomas H. Groome.” Christian Educators of the 20th Century (August 10, 2015) http://www.talbot.edu/ce20/educators/catholic/thomas_groome/

“On Learning to See the World Religiously: Moral Awareness, Faith, and Public Moral Discourse” Religious Education 109: 4 (July-September 2014): 424-437.

“Liberating Moral Reflection.” Religious Education 108:4 (July-September 2013): 378-391.

“James DiaGiacomo.” Christian Educators of the 20th Century (July 17, 2013) http://www.talbot.edu/ce20.

“Moral Catechesis.” In Diane Dudoit Raiche, ed. Catechetical Scholars IV: Biblical, Liturgical, Moral, and Spiritual Perspectives on Catechesis. Washington D.C.: National Catholic Education Association, 2011.

“Neil McCluskey.” Christian Educators of the 20th Century (July 17, 2007) http://www.talbot.edu/ce20.

"Fostering Hope: Christian Religious Education in a Postmodern Age." Religious Education 99:1 (January 2004): 5-22.

"Cultural Postmodernity and Christian Faith Formation." in Thomas H. Groome and Harold D. Horell, eds, Horizons and Hope: The Future of Religious Education. New York: Paulist Press, 2003.


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