Haibing Gao

Associate Professor of Marketing at Renmin Business School


  • Renmin Business School



Renmin Business School


  • 2010-2015 Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Florida

Working Experiences

  • 2015-Present Assistant Professor, Marketing, Renmin University of China

Research Interests

Social Marketing,Platform Marketing


Undergraduate: Principals of Marketing, Marketing Decision Models Graduate: Research Frontiers in Marketing, Empirical Modeling Seminar


Selected Academic Articles

  • Gao, Haibing, Jinhong Xie, Qi Wang, and Kenneth C. Wilbur (2015), Should Ad Spending Increase or Decrease Before a Recall Announcement? The Marketing-Finance Interface in Product-Harm Crisis Management, Journal of Marketing, 79 (5), 80-99.
  • Gao, Haibing, Huazhong Zhao, Yinliang Tan, Ya Lin, and Lai Wei (2020), Social Promotion: A Creative Promotional Framework on Consumers’ Social Network Value, Production and Operations Management, 29 (12), 2661-2678.
  • Tan, Yinliang, Yan Xiong, Haibing Gao, Xi Li, and Huazhong Zhao (2021), Less is More? The Strategic Role of Retailer’s Capacity, Production and Operations Management, 30 (10), 3354-3368.
  • Gao, Haibing, Subodha Kumar, Yinliang Tan, and Huazhong Zhao (2022), Socialize More, Pay Less: Randomized Field Experiments on Social Pricing, Information Systems Research, Accepted.

Research Grants

  • Effectiveness and Optimal Design of Social Marketing: Randomized Field Experiments from Social Commerce, NSF Grant, 2022/01-2025/12, Principal Investigator

Services & Awards

Honors and Awards

  • 2014 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference Doctoral Consortium Fellow
  • 2013 AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Michigan

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