Hai Lu

Professor of Accounting (on leave July 2016 – June 2017) at Rotman School of Management


  • Rotman School of Management



Rotman School of Management


Hai Lu is a Professor of Accounting at Rotman. His research interests lie in the areas of accounting and finance, specifically the regulation of capital markets, insider trading, securities valuation, corporate governance and financial analysts. He has published in leading international journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, and Management Science. 

Academic Positions

2016-  Professor; Rotman School, University of Toronto

2015-2017  Visiting Professor; Singapore Management University

2011-2016  Associate Professor; Rotman School, University of Toronto

2004-2011  Assistant Professor; Rotman School, University of Toronto

Honors and Awards

2017  SMU Internal Grant (CI, 2017-18)

2016  SMU MOE Tier 1A Research Grant (CI, 2016-17)

2015  CMA/CAAA Research Award (PI, 2015-16)

2014  Hong Kong General Research Fund (CI, 2014-16)

2014  The Lee-Chin Institute for Corporate Citizenship (PI, 2014-15)

2013  SSHRC (Insight grant, CI, 2013-16)

2012  CMA/Canadian Academic Accounting Association (PI, 2013-14)

2012  National Natural Science Foundation of China (CI, 2013-16)

2012  SSHRC (Insight grant, PI, 2012-15)

2010  AIC Institute for Corporate Citizenship (PI, 2010-11)

2008  Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (Standard grant, 2008-11)

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