Guillaume Tusseau

Professor, Researcher at Sciences Po


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Guillaume Tusseau has been a Professor of public law at Sciences Po since September 1st 2010 and a Junior member of the Institut universitaire de France since 2009.

He is at the same time a specialist in constitutional law, and in particular in comparative constitutional litigation, and a theoretician of law, more particularly of the analytical theory of the law and of the works of Jeremy Bentham.

In 2006, Guillaume Tusseau passed the agrégation examination in public law, coming first in his year. He received a PhD in public law (2004), (which was awarded the Paul Deschanel Prize of the Chancellerie des Universités de Paris, the Prize of the nouvelle bibliothèque de thèses of the Dalloz publishing firm, and the Prix Jean Carbonnier de la recherche sur le droit et la justice, a prize awarded for research on the law), an Advanced Diploma in the general theory and philosophy of law (Paris X University, 1999) and a Diploma from the Toulouse Institute of Political Studies (1997, coming first in his year). He was awarded a Faculty Enrichment Program grant in Canadian studies (2007) and a Scholarship from the Fondation Thiers (2005).

Before being appointed to Sciences Po, Guillaume Tusseau was a lecturer at the University of Panthéon-Assas Paris 2. He was then appointed full Professor at the University of Rouen, where he directed the Graduate School of Law.

He has taught constitutional law, administrative law of goods, advanced administrative law, philosophy of law, comparative law and fundamental laws.

Among other courses at Sciences Po, he teaches Gouvernement des juges. Théorie et pratique comparées” (the Goverment of judges, a comparison of theory and practice), “Comparative Public Law” and “Introduction à la théorie du droit” (an Introduction to legal theory).

Guillaume Tusseau is a member of numerous research networks in France and abroad. He is an associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, a member of the French Society for Legal and Political Philosophy (SFPJ) and a founding member of the Centre Bentham.

He is director of the Annales de droit journal, and is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law and of the Revista general de derecho público comparado.

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