David Courpasson



  • EMLYON Business School



EMLYON Business School

Strategy and organization

Research in Social Sciences requests genuine and passionate commitment in understanding peoples’ lives at work. How do new organizations influence those lives ? What are the mechanisms through which people cope with constraints and contradictions generated by new rules of/in the workplace? Do new forms of productive collective solidarities emerge in contemporary organizations? To serve which productive ethos? What are the effects of online communication on social relationships? Do social struggles have a future in “liberal” organizations, and to produce what sort of social change? These are some of the issues that I address in my research, and that I discuss in my teaching.


  • 1997 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Sociologie et Sciences Sociales - Paris X University, France
  • 1993 Ph.D. in Sociology - University of Lyon, France
  • 1988 Master in Sociologie and Demography
  • 1987 Master in Socio-Economy
  • 1985 Master in Management


  • 2010 Visiting Professor - Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom
  • Since 2008 Editor in Chief, Organization Studies
  • September 2006 - 2008 Director of Ph.D. in Mangement - EMLYON Business School, France
  • 2006 Visiting Professor - Lancaster University, the Management School, United Kingdom
  • 2004 - 2008 Associate Dean for Research - EMLYON Business School, France
  • 2003 - 2007 Co-Editor - Organization Studies
  • 2003 - 2004 Visiting Scholar - The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA
  • 1999 - 2003 Director of the Strategy and Management Department - EMLYON Business School, France
  • Since 1999 Professor of Sociology, Strategy and Organization Department - EMLYON Business School, France
  • 1998 - 2003 Senior Editor, Organization Science
  • 1997 - 1999 Associate Professor of Sociology, HRM Department - EMLYON Business School, France
  • 1993 - 1997 Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Strategy and Human Resources Team, Research Center of EMLYON Business School, France
  • 1988 - 1993 Research Fellow - EMLYON Business School, France
  • 1987 - 1988 Research Assistant, Socio-Economy - CNRS/University of Lyon, France


  • MSc in Management Program - Power and Politics
  • MSc in Management Program - Social Movements
  • Ph.D. Program - Foundational Perspectives in Sociology
  • MSc in Management Program - Recherche Appliquée en Sciences Sociales
  • Executive Education : Seminars for Lyonnaise de Banque, Société Générale, Banque Régionale de l'Ain, Aventis, EDF, La Poste.



‑ Courpasson, David. 2017. The Politics of Everyday.Organization Studies, 38 (6): 843-859 p.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2017. Beyond the Hidden/Public Resistance Divide: How Bloggers Defeated a Big Company.Organization Studies, 38 (9): 1277-1302 p.

‑ Courpasson, David, MONTIES, Vanessa. 2017. “I Am My Body”. Physical Selves of Police Officers in a Changing Institution.Journal of Management Studies, 54 (1): 32-57 p.

‑ Courpasson, David, Younes, Dima. 2017. Double or Quits: Understanding the links between secrecy and creativity in a project development process.Organization Studies, FORTH

‑ Lindebaum, Dirk, Courpasson, David. 2017. Becoming the next Charlie Parker: Rewriting the role of passions in bureaucracies with Whiplash.Academy of Management Review, FORTH

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , DELBRIDGE, Rick. 2017. Politics of place: The meaningfulness of resisting places.Human Relations, 70 (2): 237-259 p.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2016. Impactful Resistance: The Persistence of Recognition Politics in the Workplace.Journal of Management Inquiry, 25 (1): 96-100 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2016. Looking Away? Civilized Indifference and the Carnal Relationships of the Contemporary Workplace.Journal of Management Studies, 53 (6): 1094–1100 p.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , Marti, Ignasi. 2016. Organizational Entrepreneurship as Active Resistance: A Struggle Against Outsourcing.Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 40 (1): 131-160 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2013. On the Erosion of 'Passionate Scholarship'.Organization Studies, 34 (9): 1243-1249 P.

‑ Marti, Ignasi, Courpasson, David, , BARBOSA, Saulo. 2013. "Living in the Fishbowl": Generating an entrepreneurial culture in a local community in Argentina.Journal of Business Venturing, 28 (1): 10-29 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , CLEGG, Stewart. 2012. Resisters at work: Generating productive resistance in the workplace.Organization Science, 23 (3): 801-819 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2011. Part I "Roads to Resistance" The Growing Critique from Managerial Ranks in Organization.M@n@gement, 14 (1): 7-23 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Golsorkhi, Damon. 2011. Power and Resistance: Variations on "what's going on politically in and around organizations?".M@n@gement, 14 (1): 1-46 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Golsorkhi, Damon. 2009. Les productivités du pouvoir: Résistances et pouvoirs dans et autour des organisations de la seconde modernité..Revue Française de Gestion, 35 (193): 61-71 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, ARELLANO-GAULT, David, , BROWN, Andrew, , LOUNSBURY, Michael. 2008. Organization Studies on the look-out?: Being read, being listened to.Organization Studies, 29 (11): 1383-1390 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Guedri, Zied. 2007. Les professeurs-chercheurs en management face à la performance scientifique.Revue Française de Gestion, 33 (178/179): 173-194 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, CLEGG, Stewart. 2006. Dissolving Iron Cage?: Tocqueville Michels Bureaucracy and the Perpetuation of Elite Power.Organization, 13 (3): 319-343 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2004. Book Review: Une anthropologie des managers by Nicolas Flamant.Sociologie du travail, 46 (3): 399-401 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, CLEGG, Stewart. 2004. Political Hybrids: Tocquevillean views on project organizations.Journal of Management Studies, 41 (4): "525-547 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, REED, Mike. 2004. Introduction: Bureaucracy in the age of enterprise.Organization, 11 (1): 5-12 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise. 2003. Indifference or Obedience? Business Firms as democratic hybrids.Organization Studies, 24 (8): 1231-1260 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2000. Managerial strategies of domination, power in soft bureaucracies.Organization Studies, 21(1): 141-163

‑ Courpasson, David. 1999. Entre fascination et dénonciation: Sociologie et management des organisations.Sociologie du travail, 41 (3): 295-305 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1998. Penser le changement - le changement est un outil politique .Revue Française de Gestion, 120: 6-16 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1997. Régulation et gouvernement des organisations: Pour une sociologie de l'action managériale.Sociologie du travail, 97 (1): 39-61 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1996. Les normalisations managériales entre l'individu et le modèle professionnel.Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 75 (1): 239-256 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1996. Les jeunes cadres face à la modernisation bancaire.Revue Banque, 574: 35-39 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1995. Eléments pour une sociologie de la relation commerciale: Les paradoxes de la modernisation dans la banque.Sociologie du travail, 95 (1): 23 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1994. Marché concret et identité professionnelle locale: La construction de l'identité par le rapport au marché .Revue française de sociologie, 35 (2): 197-229 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise. 1994. La gestion des carrières des cadres en question: réflexions tirées d’une enquête à EDF et GDF .Gérer et Comprendre, 36: 30-44 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1993. Etre directeur d'agence hier, aujourd'hui, demain.Revue Banque, 543: 68-71 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Livian, Yves-Frédéric. 1993. Training for strategic change: some conditions of effectiveness: a case in the banking sector in France.International Journal of Human Resource Management, 4 (2): 465-479 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1990. Les nouvelles pratiques d'accès à l'emploi bancaire: La coexistence entre "jeunes" et "anciens" dans les populations administratives.Annales des mines. Gérer et comprendre,

‑ Courpasson, David, CHAIZE, Luc. 1990. Un processus de dynamisation de personnels administratifs.Personnel, 312: 43-45 P.

BOOKS (14)

‑ Courpasson, David, Vallas, Steven Peter. 2016. The SAGE Handbook of Resistance.: Sage 530 p.

‑ Courpasson, David, THOENIG, Jean-Claude. 2010. When managers rebel.: Palgrave Macmillan 181 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Thoenig, Jean-Claude. 2010. When Managers Rebel. BasingstokeNew York: Palgrave Macmillan 181 p.

‑ Courpasson, David, THOENIG, Jean-Claude. 2008. Quand les cadres se rebellent.: Vuibert

‑ Courpasson, David, Thoenig, Jean-Claude. 2008. Quand les cadres se rebellent. Paris: Vuibert 179 p.1 vol. (VII-179 p.

‑ Dany, Françoise, Courpasson, David, , Riot, Philippe. 2006. (Re)penser la rébellion des cadres : actes de la journée du 15 Décembre 2006 organisée par le centre de recherche OCE/EMLYON à EMLYON.: CNRS 118 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2006. Soft Constraint, Liberal Organizations and Domination.: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press 242 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2006. Soft constraint: Liberal organizations and domination. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press 242 p.

‑ Courpasson, David, CLEGG, Stewart, , NELSON, Philipps. 2006. Power and Organizations.: Sage Publications 457 P.

‑ Clegg, Stewart, Courpasson, David, , Phillips, Nelson. 2006. Power and organizations. London: Sage publ. 457 p.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2000. L' action contrainte: Organisations libérales et domination. Paris: PUF 320 p.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2000. L' action contrainte: organisations libérales et domination.: Presses Universitaires de France 320 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1995. La modernisation bancaire : sociologie des rapports professions-marchés.: L'Harmattan 255 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1995. La modernisation bancaire: sociologie des rapports professions-marchés. Paris: L'Harmattan 255 p. BOOK CHAPTERS (14) ‑ Courpasson, David. 2017. Management as a Practice of Power., The Oxford Handbook of Management. : Oxford : Oxford University Press

‑ Courpasson, David, Vallas, Steven Peter. 2016. Resistance Studies: A Critical Introduction., The SAGE Handbook of Resistance. : Sage, 1-28 p.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2014. Dialogo III: An ethic of resistance ?., Laberintos y enjuegos: (re) encuentros con Eduardo Ibarra Colado. : Anuies Biblioteca de la Educación Superior, 47-52 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Golsorkhi, Damon, , SALLAZ, Jeffrey J.. 2012. Rethinking power in organizations, institutions, and markets: classical perspectives, current research, and the future agenda., Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol. 34 : Rethinking Power in Organization, Institutions, and Markets. : Emerald, 1-20 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, CLEGG, Stewart. 2012. The polyarchic bureaucracy: cooperative resistance in the workplace and the construction of a new political structure of organizations., Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol. 34 : Rethinking Power in Organization, Institutions, and Markets. : Emerald, 55-79 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise. 2012. Les cadres rebelles., Les organisations : etat des savoirs. : Organisation, 407-414 P.

‑ Dany, Françoise, Courpasson, David. 2012. Etudes critiques. Les études critiques en Ressources Humaines: Spécificités et perspectives., Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines. 3è ed.. : Vuibert, 588-595 P.

‑ THOENIG, Jean-Claude, Courpasson, David. 2010. Réinvestir les enjeux organisationnels., Ressources humaines pour sortie de crise. : Les Presses de Science Po, 103-119 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise. 2009. Cultures of Resistance in the Workplace., The SAGE Handbook of Power. : Sage Publications, 332-347 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2008. Domination., International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies . : Sage Publications, 402-404 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2008. We have always been Oligarchs': Business Elite in Polyarchy., The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior, Vol.2: Macro Approaches. : Sage, 518 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2007. Democracy and organizations., Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology. : Blackwell, 1004-1011 P.

‑ Dany, Françoise, Courpasson, David. 2006. Les études critiques en RH : spécificités et perspectives., Encyclopédie des ressources humaines. : Vuibert, 426-433 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1999. La déprofessionnalisation des chercheurs: Propos sur la fin de la régulation professionnelle de la Recherche & Développement., Les acteurs de l'innovation et l'entreprise : France, Europe, Japon. : L'Harmattan, 71-87 P.


‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise. 2012. Friends behind the screen: The political venture of a blog community.

‑ Courpasson, David, Durand, Rodolphe. 2012. The Future(s) of organization studies. About the erosion of “passionate scholarship”.

‑ Courpasson, David, Marti, Ignasi, , Dany, Françoise. 2011. Entrepreneur in spite of himself: Occupational entrepreneuring in a highly constrained environment.: Università degli Studi di NapoliInternational Critical Management Studies, 23 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2010. Resisting work.

‑ MARTIN, DE HOLAN Pablo, BARBOSA, Saulo, , Courpasson, David. 2010. Creating a culture of critique: Powerlessness and emancipation around a civic organization in Argentina.

‑ MARTIN, DE HOLAN Pablo, BARBOSA, Saulo, , Courpasson, David. 2010. Creating a culture of critique: Emancipation and creative resistance around a civic organization in Argentina.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , MARTI, Ignasi. 2010. Targeting Oppression through Political Entrepreneuring.

‑ Courpasson, David, CLEGG, Stewart, , Dany, Françoise. 2009. They should listen to us. A process of accomodation to unexpected resistance in the workplace.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2008. Sociology and Organization Studies.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2008. Accomodating Resistance: a story.

‑ Courpasson, David, GORLSORKHI, Damon. 2008. Is Resistance "Good" in Organizational Change ?: A Critical Perspective.

‑ Courpasson, David, Golsorkhi, Damon. 2007. 23rd EGOS Colloquium (EGOS), Vienna, July, 2007.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , Melkonian, Tessa. 2006. A pluralistic view of managerial innovation diffusion: The dynamics of top managers’ consent.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2006. Pour une vision politique du management (stratégique). Repenser le pouvoir.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2006. From Bureaucracies to Polyarchies. : The Production of Political Performance in Contemporary Organizations.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , Melkonian, Tessa. 2005. Saving or losing face?: Circuits of exemplarity in a discretely contested process of change.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2005. Elite Resilience and the Construction of Polyarchies.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2004. Organizations as contested Oligarchies.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2004. Polyarchies and the production of business elites.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2004. Oligarchy and the professionals: Project management and the production of corporate elite.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2003. Trite News Story or Signs of the Times? Variations around the Power of Bureaucracies: Variations around the Power of Bureaucracies.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2000. 16th European Group for Organizational Studies, Lyon, July, 2000.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1998. The production of managerial elites.

‑ Courpasson, David. 1998. Autonomie politique et despotisme organisationnel.


‑ Courpasson, David. 2016. Economie du partage: bien pour les consommateurs, nettement moins pour ses acteurs.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David, MONTIES, Vanessa. 2016. Police : le corps meurtri.Libération,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Sortir de la société sécuritaire.Édition : Les invités de Mediapart,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Qui s'intéresse au suicide des cadres ?.Acteurs de l'économie Rhône-Alpes,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Pourquoi les chefs sont-ils (souvent) déçus par leurs équipes ?.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Comprendre la colère des salariés d'Air France.Libération,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Et si demain, vous n'aviez plus du tout de bureau ?.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Ce que les "middle managers" pensent de leurs dirigeants.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2015. Vers une culture politique émotionnelle ?.Libération,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2014. Sommes-nous tous des subalternes au travail ?.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2014. Le manager empêché de… bien faire son travail.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2014. Le néomanagement engendre la souffrance des cadres dans l'indifférence générale.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2014. Et si vous étiez "trop performant" ?.Harvard Business Review - France,

‑ Courpasson, David. 2009. Les cadres se rebiffent.Libération,

‑ Courpasson, David, Azimont, Frank, , Dany, Françoise, , Riot, Philippe. 2008. Un activisme pro managérial dans les entreprises ?.Cadres et société : La revue de la CFE-CGC, 2: 32-40 P.

‑ Azimont, Frank, Courpasson, David, , Dany, Françoise, , Riot, Philippe. 2008. Un activisme pro managérial dans les entreprises ?.Famille chrétienne, 2: 32-40

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise. 2008. Les cadres rebelles.Sciences Humaines, (12): 7 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, CLEGG, Stewart. 2007. The end of history and the futures of power.Twenty-first Century Society, 2 (2): 131-154 P.

‑ Courpasson, David, Dany, Françoise, , Riot, Philippe. 2006. Elites managériales : glissements politiques et redéfinitions .Cadres CFDT, 418: 37-44 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2006. Stratégies de domination : les entreprises contemporaines et la question de la domination.Revue Economique et Sociale, 4: 35-50 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2003. Humeur : sur la valeur des valeurs….Management et conjoncture sociale, 620: 79-80 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2002. Humeur: sur la valeur des valeurs....Management et conjoncture sociale, N.615: 84-85 P.

‑ Courpasson, David. 2000. Nota critique sur l'ouvrage de Philippe d'Iribarne :"Cultures et mondialisation, gérer par-delà les frontières".41(3): 562-564

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