Daniel Rouach

PhD in Business Administration, Associate Professor at ESCP Europe Business School


  • ESCP Europe Business School


ESCP Europe Business School


Dr Daniel Rouach is Associated Professor in the Strategy, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources’ department at ESCP Europe - Scientific director of the Executive Education Intensive Module &quot - Competitive Intelligence and International Strategy&quot - . He is also Scientific co-Director of the Specialized Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Daniel Rouach has previously held the positions of Dean of ESCP Europe’s Full-Time MBA and researcher in International Business at EM Lyon. He is holder of a Ph.D. in Management (Lyon III University), an MBA in International Business Management (York University, Toronto), an MBA CESMA Marketing (EM Lyon Group) and a Master 1 in Economic Sciences (University of Social Sciences, Grenoble). Renowned international expert in the technology transfer, innovation and competitive intelligence fields, he is the founder of GTI Lab. He is also European Editor and Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization (IJTTC). Strongly interested in France-Israel relations, he is editor of Israelink, a journal aiming at creating an economic relation between France and Israel. He is visiting professor at the Technion University, Tel Aviv and creator and editing Director of Israelvalley.com, an online bulletin specialized in economy, high-tech, security, military industry and finance. Associations and Governing Boards: As international consultant, Daniel Rouach is member of many governing boards of public and private companies and organization

  • European Regional Editor and member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization (IJTTC), Milton Keynes, Grande-Bretagne.
  • Board Member of the France-Israel Chamber of Commerce, since July 5th, 2001.
  • Elected Member of the Governors Board of Technion University - Israel Institute of Technology.
  • Member of the GIFT Journal’s Editorial Committee (Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management), India.
  • Former member of the Consulting firm CUKIERMAN &amp - Co’s Governing Board.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of ESIEE (Ecole Supérieure d''Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique), centre for higher scientific and technical training, managed by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Former member of the External Assessors Committee of the journal “Les Cahiers du Management Technologique”, ESC Grenoble, France.
  • Member of the Organization Committee of the 27th Annual Meeting of the European International Business Academy – EIBA, from December 13th to December 15th, 2001, at ESCP Europe.
  • Editorial Director of the website www.israelvalley.com specialized in monitoring in economy, business, industry, education, banking, law, investments, high-tech, stock exchanges, security, military industry and employment.

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