Daniel McAllister

Assoc Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science


  • NUS Institute of Systems Science



NUS Institute of Systems Science

Education Qualifications

  • Ph.D., Organisational Behaviour, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, USA, 1993
  • Masters of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1985
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Business Administration, Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada, 1983

Research Interest

  • Relational Models Of Interpersonal And Individual-organisational Attachment
  • The Social Dynamics Of Trust, Distrust, And Justice In Organisations
  • Interpersonal Helping And Organisational Citizenship
  • Leadership

Academic Experience

  • Associate Professor, NUS Business School, 2004 - current
  • Visiting Associate Professor, NUS Business School, 2002 - 2004
  • Assistant Professor in Management, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1994 - 2002
  • Lecturer, Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada, 1993 - 1994
  • Visiting Lecturer, Czechoslovak Management Center, Celakovice, Czech Republic, Spring, 1993
  • Lecturer, University of California, Irvine, 1991

Membership & Professional Activities

  • Editorial Review Board Member, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior
  • Member, Academy of Management (AOM), Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (OBTS)

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