Comas Haynes

at Georgia Tech Professional Education


  • Georgia Tech Professional Education




Georgia Tech Professional Education

Dr. Comas Lamar Haynes is a faculty member of the Georgia Tech Center for Innovative Fuel Cell and Battery Technologies. His research includes modeling steady state and transient behavior of advanced energy systems, thermal management of fuel cells, and the characterization and optimization of novel cycles. He has advised graduate and undergraduate research assistants and has received multi-agency funding for fuel cell systems development. Examples include the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy and NASA. Dr. Haynes also develops fuel cells and alternative energy systems curricula for public and college courses and experimental laboratories. Additionally, is the co-developer of the outreach initiative, Educators Leading Energy Conservation and Training Researchers of Diverse Ethnicities (ELECTRoDE). He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Florida A&M University and his graduate degrees from Georgia Tech; and all of the degrees are in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering.

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