Christina Kuehnl

Professor of Marketing at University of Stuttgart




  • PhD University of Mannheim (2006 — 2010)
  • Diploma University of Mannheim (2000 — 2006)
  • Universidad de Granada (2005 — 2005)
  • Diplôme d’Études Universitaire Françaises Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) (2003 — 2004)
  • ESB Business School, Reutlingen University (2016)
  • ESB Business School, Reutlingen University


  • Professor of Marketing University of Stuttgart (2020)
  • Professor of Marketing Management, Innovation & Product Design ESB Business School, Reutlingen University (2016 — 2020)
  • Assistant Professor of Marketing University of Mannheim (2010 — 2016)
  • Visiting Scholar USC Marshall School of Business (2013 — 2014)
  • Visiting Scholar USC Marshall School of Business (2012 — 2012)


  • Product Management
  • Product Development
  • Innovation Management


Marketing, Statistics, University Teaching, Research, Market Research, Data Analysis


  • Wielgos, D., Homburg, Ch., Kuehnl, C. (2021), Digital business capability: its impact on firm and customer performance, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (4), 762-789.
  • Imschloss, M., Kuehnl, C. (2019), Retailers! Can Your Customers Feel Your Music? Investigating Cross-modal Correspondences between Music and Haptic Perceptions, Journal of Retailing, 95 (04), 158-169.
  • Kuehnl, C., Jozic, D, Homburg, Ch. (2019), Effective customer journey design: consumers’ conception, measurement, and consequences, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(03), 551-568.
  • Homburg, Ch., Jozic, D., Kuehnl, C. (2017), Customer Experience Management: Towards Implementing an Evolving Marketing Concept, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45 (03), 377–401.
  • Imschloss, M., Kuehnl, C. (2017), Don’t Ignore the Floor: Exploring Multi-Sensory Atmospheric Congruence between Music and Flooring in a Retail Environment, Psychology & Marketing, 34 (10), 931-945.
  • Kuehnl, C., Fürst, A., Homburg, Ch., Staritz, M. (2017), Toward a Differentiated Understanding of the Value-Creation Chain, British Journal of Management, 28 (03), 444–463.
  • Homburg, Ch., Schwemmle, M., Kuehnl, C. (2015), New Product Design: Concept, Measurement, and Consequences, Journal of Marketing, 79 (03), 41–56.
  • Homburg, Ch., Kuehnl, C. (2014), Is the More Always Better? A Comparative Study of Internal and External Integration Practices in New Product and New Service Development, Journal of Business Research, 67 (07), 1360–1367.
  • Kuehnl, C., Mantau, A. (2013), Same Sound, Same Preference? Investigating Sound Symbolism Effects in International Brand Names, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30 (04) , 417–420.
  • Homburg, Ch., Fürst, A., Kuehnl, C. (2012), Ensuring International Competitiveness: A Configurative Approach to Foreign Marketing Subsidiaries, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (02), 290–312.
  • Homburg, Ch., Wieseke, J., Kuehnl, C. (2010), Social Influence on Salespeople's Adoption of Sales Technology: A Multilevel Analysis, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38 (02), 159–168.


  • WirtschaftsWoche's "Junge Wilde" award as one of the most research-intensive business researchers under 40 in the German-speaking area
  • Finalist for the 2020 Sheth Foundation / Journal of Marketing Award for "long-term contributions to the field of marketing" for the article "New Product Design: Concept, Measurement, and Consequences"
  • Finalist for the 2019 Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award for the article "Effective customer journey design: consumers' conception, measurement, and consequences"
  • 2015 Shelby D. Hunt / Harold H. Maynard Award American Marketing Association (AMA) for the most influential theoretical article in the Journal of Marketing
  • Fast Track Program of the Robert Bosch Foundation: Excellence and leadership for women scientists in the fast lane Volume "Interdisciplinary Research"
  • Best in Track Paper Award, Track: Consumer Behavior AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL
  • Innovation Award 2012 for doctoral theses in the segment Market Strategy Schaeffler FAG Foundation
  • Best in Track Paper Award, Track: Sales & Relationship Marketing AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Tampa, FL

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