Cheryl Carleton

Associate Professor of Economics at Villanova University


  • Villanova University



Villanova University


  • BA, Boston College, 1977; PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1981


  • "Alternative Work Arrangements and Job Satisfaction", with Mary Kelly, Atlantic Economic Journal. Sept 3, 2019
  • "Women, Men and Job Satisfaction", with Suzanne Heller Clain, Eastern Economic Journal, 38, 331-335, 2012.
  • With James M. Mahoney and Joseph T. Mahoney, "Towards a Property Rights Foundation for a Stakeholder Theory of the Firm," Journal of Management and Governance, 9(1), 2005
  • "An Hedonic Analysis of Quality and Safety for New Automobiles," The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 26(2), 1992
  • With M. Asher, W. Hobbs, and J. Kelley, "On Consumer Self-Direction of Attendant Care Services: An Empirical Analysis of Survey Responses," Evaluation and Program Planning, 15(3), 1991


  • Microeconomics; Labor Markets; Labor Economics; Gender Issues; Women in the Workforce; Employment Issues; Unemployment


  • Women in the Labor Market; Women's Rise in Self-Employment; Stakeholder and Corporate Governance Issues.

Non-Academic Positions:

  • Facilitator, AAUW Work Smart Wage Negotiation Workshops
  • Economist, Bureau of Economics Federal Trade Commission, 1981-84; Assistant to Special Master, Steve Saltzberg, Hartman vs. Gelb, Washington, D.C., 1991-2000; Contract Research & Evaluation, Department of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1985-1994


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