Catherine Cassell
Deputy Dean at Leeds University Business School/Dean Birmingham at Business School
Professor Cathy Cassell is Dean of Birmingham Business School. Cathy is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of organisational psychology with a particular interest in qualitative research methodologies. She also researches in the area of diversity and organisational change. Her projects include a £659k ESRC funded grant looking at diversity and inclusion within a major high street retailer. A keen mentor of others, she has supervised 23 doctoral students to completion.
Cathy is a Fellow of the British Academy of Management; a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences; and an Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. She has held a number of journal editorial roles including 9 years as an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management and 10 years as Inaugural Co-Editor of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: an international journal. She is on a number of other journal editorial advisory boards including the Academy of Management Learning and Education.
Cathy has published in a range of different journals including Organization Studies; British Journal of Management; International Journal of Management Reviews; Human Relations; Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; International Journal of Human Resource Management; Gender, Work and Organization and Academy of Management Learning and Education. She has also published 7 books on research methods included four on qualitative research methods co-edited with Gillian Symon and published with Sage. Her most recent edited collection is the Sage Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods, edited together with Ann Cunliffe and Gina Grandy.
Interview with Professor Catherine Cassell
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