Associate professor, Marketing at Management School ESSCA


  • Management School ESSCA




Management School ESSCA

Bénédicte BOURCIER-BEQUAERT is an associate professor in marketing at the ESSCA School of Management. After earning a Master’s degree from HEC, she has been working for more than 12 years in international big companies as a brand manager (Henkel, Boots, Bongrain). She holds a PhD from Aix-Marseille University on the topic of advertising representation of seniors. Her publications deal also with circular economy in the textile sector with researchers from other fields (logistics, strategy). Furthermore, she is interested in the ethics of marketing managers and collaborates with specialists in business ethics and white-collar crime. In relation to these research topics, she attends ADERSE conferences and works with the Association Française de Marketing on ethics of marketing practices issues. Her work has been published in scientific journals such as Recherche et Application Marketing, Décisions Marketing, Revue Française du Marketing, Logistics and Management, RIMHE. She also publishes on scientific popularization’s platforms such as The Conversation and develops teaching oriented materials such as pedagogical cases or collective books. She teaches strategic or fundamental marketing in French or English.

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